Choirs? What choirs?
As I drive down the street on my way home from work and pull up into my drive I am reminded of how little ss15 does around the house. One of his two jobs is to bring up the trash cans, he has accomplished this amazing feat one time in his career. I just do it my self because the last time he was told to do it by his mom. he came down stairs and stood for an hour tormenting the dogs along with his mother, and driving me nuts!!. The other job is unloading the dish washer, that is a 8 hour job if your were to ask him.His mother made the mistake of telling him the new dish soap doesn't clean that good now he uses that excuse 3 nights out of the week, "the dish washerneeds to run again mom". Aggghhhh!!!!!!
- Step mad's blog
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you meant "chores"
you meant "chores" right?
My SS's are the
My SS's are the the time you get done arguing with them, you could have done whatever 18 times. Yet the 15 yo SS is upset cause he lost the "HOH" title.
Lol!!! yeah I hate auto
Lol!!! yeah I hate auto correct my, you guys know what I meant,chores, last night he unloaded the dishwasher no questions asked so it's unpredictable sometimes