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StarStuff's Blog

I must have had some good karma floating around

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This summer took an amazing turn for the better! I'm so stoked! It started out kinda shitty since fdh got fired, but he has since gotten a new job and because he has to be at work at 7am and I have to be at work at 5am every weekday, neither of us were going to be able to drop SD8 off to her summer program (doesn't start til 7 at the earliest). *Superhero music as FMIL swoops in to save the day*...FMIL offered to keep SD8 during the week for us, so that she can drop SD off at summer program in the morning without having to go out of her way to pick SD up from our house every day.

Thanks for the Advice!

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This is regarding my previous blogs on fdh's "talk" with SD8. I ended up speaking with SD and just told her that I heard some of what her dad said to her and that it wasn't very nice. I told her that I do care about her and am not planning on leaving. She then asked about why I didn't want to watch her by myself and I told her that I like it better when the parents work during the day and everyone is home together at night. No need to tell her that watching her by myself makes my anxiety go up and that she drives me crazy sometimes.

Related to Previous blog "Mortified"....Advice Needed

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Please read the blog if you haven't already. What do I say to SD? I don't think she knows I heard that terrible conversation, and I was in such shock over it that I haven't brought it up to her and have acted like it didn't happen - though I did notice that she didn't ask for me to help tuck her in like she usually does. Sad Should I just reassure her that I'm not going anywhere and that I care about her? What to do?


StarStuff's picture

I have never been so mortified in my whole life and cannot believe some of the things that FDH said to SD8 last night. I didn't even know what to say.

The whole incident started with SD8 peeing herself. Yep. She peed herself b/c she was too busy playing to bother to go to the bathroom until it was too late. I left FDH to deal with all that and went to yoga, as is my usual Monday ritual.

Grandmother Kills Grandson...

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He was living with his grandparents, was attending alternative school, and had already had the cops called out a few months ago for aggressive behavior. Sounds like several of the skids I've read about on here. I'll be damned if I EVER raise grandchildren, outside of parental death on both sides.

Karma Train ran over BM...choo choo!

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Back story: FDH and I went out of town for a concert for New Year's Eve. We also got engaged the night before the show. Well, surprise surprise, BM is on the lot "working", which means she's selling drugs. She sees us, and decides to be a total bitch and take our pictures like we're doing something wrong. FDH had just won custody of SD8, and BM was pissed about it...BM never bothered to show up to that court date.

BM is a Raging C*nt.

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And I don't even like the "C" word, but it suits BM. SD hasn't seen her mom in about 10mos. The only time SD talks to BM is when SD initiates. So yesterday SD and I were talking about Mother's day, and being that I was in a pleasant mood I mentioned that BM might like to get a hand-made ('cause I'm not buying that bitch shit) card for Mother's Day. So SD asks to call her mom. While on the phone, SD asks BM for BM's address. BM gave SD the house number/street name, but refused to give SD the city, state, or ZIP part of the address!

Let me feed you the whole refrigerator!

StarStuff's picture

I thought kids weren't supposed to eat you out of house and home until they reach the teen years?! SD8 eats like a teenage boy - wants to eat every hour on the hour. I'm sick of hearing "I'm hungry" all the time! Plenty of food to eat and we definately don't starve her, but hell, she eats more than I do! Finally told her the other day that we can't afford to keep feeding her like that, lol. She gets breakfat, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner...and still claims to be hungry. I only half-jokingly think she has a tapeworm.
