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Like Nails on a Chalkboard...

StarStuff's picture

Every couple weeks I have a period of a couple of days or so where I absolutely despise being a SM (this is one of those times)...then it passes and it's right back to business as usual, so this is just a vent.

The sound of SD8 crying is like f*cking nails on a chalkboard to me and illicits no maternal feeling whatsoever. In fact, all of her distress noises make me want to scratch my eyes out rather than console. Ugh. She's clumsy as f*cking hell so she's always getting hurt somehow. Like last night, she fell out of the fricking bed and starts catterwauling. I just ignored it and let FDH deal with it. The child is 8 and SHE FELL OUT OF THE FRICKIN BED. WTF.

That is all. Thanks for letting me vent. I know it sounds evil of me. Luckily, FDH understands when I'm feeling anti-kid and admits that he feels the same way sometimes.


StarStuff's picture

I think you're right. I don't have that "maternal bond" with her that bios supposedly have. Guess I need to go to the station for a fill up!