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My most recent FB rant. *language*

StarStuff's picture

Copied in it's entirety:

"I don't usually do the cryptic posts about how so-and-so is annoying me, so I'll make it blunt. SD'S FUCKING SHITTYASS MOTHER IS GETTING ON MY GODDAMNED NERVES. "Will you have SD call me when you're not busy (grammar corrected)". NO, I WILL NOT FUCKING HAVE HER CALL YOU BECAUSE THE LAST TIME I DID YOU WERE TOO "TIRED" AT 9:30 ON A FRIDAY NIGHT TO TALK AND PROMISED TO CALL HER BACK THE NEXT DAY AND DID'T. How surprising. Well, guess what bitch?! Your daughter never even asks to speak to you and gets a look on her face like she just sniffed dog shit when I tell her to call you. Rant over."

Gah. I feel better now.


StarStuff's picture

Well, no. My profile is private and we're totally not "friends". Although I did consider sending her a request for her reading pleasure. }:) I just had to get it out or I was going to text it and did not want to deal with excrement on my air-conditioning apparatus.

BSgoinon's picture

Have to give you credit for not being "cryptic" I seriously hate it when people do that. I don't do facebook. I hate seeing people's post about how "somebody" pissed them off, and is "some people" can't XYZ, or I am going to kick "SOMEONE'S" ass. If you are going to put it out there.... just SAY it. You aren't sneaky, whoever you are talking about likely KNOWS you are talking about them. Either SAY it or DON'T.

Glad to hear your fan will be clean.