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spackle's Blog

Friends - Rachel as a stepmother

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I've been re-watching "Friends" since they put it on Netflix. I find it interesting how Ross's son is almost never in the show. I wonder if this show had been more realistic as far as that plot angle, how it would have affected their relationship.

Rachel was in her what, mid to late 20s when they first started dating and I don't believe for a second that she would have been able to handle being a stepmother and giving up her single, "selfish" lifestyle.

thanks for the support

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Thanks to everyone who responded to my posts yesterday. I'm at the point I always get to with SO. Sick of living in the FOG - fear, obligation, guilt. Someone recommended that book "Emotional Blackmail" and I'm very familiar with the concept after knowing this man for almost 7 years.

sh*t SO says

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"Everyone comes with baggage. Everyone has things that come up that their SO has to deal with. The next person you date could end up with cancer. Are you going to leave them?"

"You don't see the good parts about having a child because you don't want to"

"He's a just a person like anyone else"

"You don't like kids and just don't see any value in having them in your life" (he knew I wasn't a kid person going into our relationship and definitely knew it by the time we broke up and got back together - yet he wouldn't leave me the hell alone)

things I'm sick of. New Year's Rant.

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These are all the things I need to figure out whether I want to continue to deal with. I got away from all this and somehow ended up back in it. I don't know why. I love him, but I don't feel IN love with him. I don't feel affectionate toward him and I never want to have sex. I don't feel excited about our future. I just kind of exist with him. So here we go

- he has his son every single weekend

- we live an hour apart, meaning the weekends are basically it. if we are lucky, we see each other maybe two days a month without the kid around

Skid suspended and SO makes excuses yet again

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I was just sitting here reading all the responses to my other post and pondering the question that was posed multiple times - basically what the hell I am getting out of this relationship. Then SO calls me and tells me about how skid got suspended again yesterday. He got suspended for a day from school awhile back and now he's suspended for TWO days from whatever daycare program he's in right now since school is on break. He's 7. This time he hit another kid in the chest. It was determined that the kid didn't hit him first and he even admitted he did it for "no good reason."

Do you pay for skids if you go out to eat?

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This hasn't come up much until recently because usually when the three of us (me, SO, skid) go out to eat, I just let SO pay. I've spent the past few weekends with them though, and ended up paying for all of us a couple of times because I felt bad. SO is always complaining about money, number one. Number two, no matter how much money I make or don't make, I'm not the type to make the guy pay all the time. Number three, I recently got promoted and make significantly more than SO.

nicknames for BM

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Some of the nicknames people have on here for their BM crack me up.

I've been trying to think of a good one for mine. She has very pointy features in her face and the rest of her is kind of lumpy and dumpy-looking. She is pear-shaped, and she's gained weight as she gets closer to 40, so it's even more pronounced.

What is your BM nickname, or your favorite on here? I like whomever uses "Kracken" on here.... "kracks" me up. Smile

Pretty sure my coworker is about to become a crazy BM

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A coworker of mine has been dating this guy since the summer. He's childless, she's divorced and has a young child. He has told her from the get go that he wasn't interested in a relationship with someone with a kid. I know he's told her this over and over because she's been talking about it constantly since they met. I guess she just figured the more she gave it up, he might change his mind. Well, that never happened and he continued to mess around with her, all the while telling her that they weren't dating and she would never be his girlfriend.
