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Friends - Rachel as a stepmother

spackle's picture

I've been re-watching "Friends" since they put it on Netflix. I find it interesting how Ross's son is almost never in the show. I wonder if this show had been more realistic as far as that plot angle, how it would have affected their relationship.

Rachel was in her what, mid to late 20s when they first started dating and I don't believe for a second that she would have been able to handle being a stepmother and giving up her single, "selfish" lifestyle.

I know, it's a sitcom... but kind of annoying that they had this big romance over the years and yet a huge part of Ross's life is left out of it. It's something I never thought about when I watched the show back in the day, but after having been in a step situation, it's a pretty glaring absence.


spackle's picture

Yeah, watching this show now is totally different. I view Ross and Rachel as completely immature and toxic, not romantic at all.

luchay's picture

LOL - I always hated the Ross/Rachel thing they were never my faves, much preferred Monica/Chandler. and Pheobe and Joey with anyone...

Sweetnothings's picture

I was, and am, a huge Friends fan!

We called it the "curse of Ben", how Ben seems to just "disappear", lol, in the show. Get's even worse, and unrealistic when they have their little girl, I bet a lot of SM's would lurve for that scenario to happen }:)

Obviously, all the step grief and blended families stuff wasn't comedic enough????

Then, Friends was always unrealistic wasn't it? Just look at the size of their apartments, etc.

thinkthrice's picture

I could never get into that show. Probably because it was too much fantasy for me. Now SEINFELD on the other hand, I am in LoVe with. And Jerry was cute back then.