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soy_girl's Blog

DH is pissed off...But not at me! why do I still feel guilty??

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Last night DH, SS25 and I were in the kitchen talking. SS25 was talking about the presents he bought for SDG7 (my step-granddaughter, his niece). SS25 says the stuff he wanted to buy had already been purchased by SD27, after she sent everyone the Xmas wish list. DH looks at me and says, crap, I haven't bought anything yet, and we got the list of what we are supposed to buy a couple weeks ago. They both looked at me, and being firmly disengaged, I said, "Well, not a problem for me.

Update on SS21 Moving in

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Thought I'd update everyone on what life is like now that SS21 unexpectedly moved in a month ago. (see previous log for details)

IT'S NOT THAT BAD!! :jawdrop:

DH made SS21 sign a 3 page agreement outlining the expectations for living with us. Basically, he has to pay rent ( a percentage of every paycheck rather than a set amount which is fine with me), he has to pick up after himself, help out around the house when needed and let us know if he's not going to be home that night (just out of courtesy).

How the rest of the Holidays went (other than SS moving in) LONG

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Hope everyone survived the holidays, I think this year was the most stressful so far. Don't believe that whole "once they're 18 the drama is over" crap. So, SD23, her DH(SSIL?) and SGD3 live out of state (SSIL is in the military). A few weeks before XMas, SD called my DH to let him know they would be home for Christmas. Great, right? after all they haven't been home since last XMas. OH, and by the way, she needs him to give her $200 to help pay for her airfare.

JUST realized we didn't invite SS for Thanksgiving!

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I was doing really good at "disengaging" -- I just realized we hadn't told SS20 that I was cooking Thanksgiving lunch! Blum 3 DH is working tomorrow afternoon, and I was planning to go to my Mom's for dinner..till I got the sad eyes from DH that the house wouldn't smell like thanksgiving. I decided to cook lunch for him tomorrow, then go to my mom's late.

Why is it so hard for me to accept thanks from the skids? LONG!

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Ok, so I don't normally post..not too good at putting my thoughts onto "paper". But, I thought I'd try.

I get frustraded with my skids because I feel they don't acknowledge or appreciate anything I've done for them, and yet, when SD thanked me yesterday, I had difficulty believing her sincerity and simply saying "you're welcome"!