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JUST realized we didn't invite SS for Thanksgiving!

soy_girl's picture

I was doing really good at "disengaging" -- I just realized we hadn't told SS20 that I was cooking Thanksgiving lunch! Blum 3 DH is working tomorrow afternoon, and I was planning to go to my Mom's for dinner..till I got the sad eyes from DH that the house wouldn't smell like thanksgiving. I decided to cook lunch for him tomorrow, then go to my mom's late. A friend is working the same shift as DH tomorrow so they are coming over for a LOW KEY lunch that is early enough for a turkey-induced coma, I mean nap, before work.

I JUST realized we hadn't told SS20 I was cooking and asked DH if he had asked SS over and he said "No, I thought tomorrow was going to be a quiet, low key lunch." I asked if he thought we should invite SS, and he said "NO". LOL!!

So, my T'day plans are: get up early, make some food, enjoy a meal with a couple low-maintenance friends, then head off to see my family! I am pretty happy about that!!

Hope everyone else survives the first round of holidays, please don't hate me if my T'day is SKID FREE!!!


TheWickedStepmom's picture

Mine is sk free as well and I plan to enjoy every single moment with my bio kids! I'm praying that my dh isn't in a crappy mood because he said something the other day about sd20 not having anywhere to go for Thanksgiving (he knows I am disengaged and don't want her at my house). I just shrugged my shoulders and then he says, "Well, I guess she is going to spend Thanksgiving at a friend's house." I said, "Good for her" and I was thinking 'good for her that she realized I was serious about her not being here that she made other plans!'

Seems to me you are doing a find job of disengaging since ss didn't even come to mind! LOL I'm looking forward to a day when I am at that point. Smile ENJOY!

caregiver1127's picture

Well Well Soy_girl I say Christmas came early for you this year - lol. I don't have SS except for 4 weeks a year yes I know I am lucky - I consider every year a Christmas treat for the 48 weeks we don't have him.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

stepmasochist's picture

woohoo, no skids for me tomorrow either!! My MIL is keeping them and DH's niece tonight and tomorrow night. We're having our family Thanksgiving Saturday so DH and I get two whole nights all alone.