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Update on SS21 Moving in

soy_girl's picture

Thought I'd update everyone on what life is like now that SS21 unexpectedly moved in a month ago. (see previous log for details)

IT'S NOT THAT BAD!! :jawdrop:

DH made SS21 sign a 3 page agreement outlining the expectations for living with us. Basically, he has to pay rent ( a percentage of every paycheck rather than a set amount which is fine with me), he has to pick up after himself, help out around the house when needed and let us know if he's not going to be home that night (just out of courtesy).

So far, he's been great to have around. He keeps his room neat, does all his own laundry -- even folded MINE when I forgot it in the dryer!! He cleans up after himself in the kitchen, doesn't EXPECT to eat our food when we cook but waits for us to offer or ASKS if he can have some after we serve ourselves. :jawdrop:


SS21 has started a new job in town and has decided to join the military -- his date to leave is in the early fall. I'm really proud of him right now. It's like he finally looked at his life and decided he could do more and is ACTUALLY trying to do it!

In fact, he's been so great to have around that I was willing to help him out with what he needed to meet his new job's dress code (just a few shirts and a couple pair of pants) AND DH TOLD ME NO! DH said if he needed something SS21 should work for it and not have it handed to him. So, SS was given the option to purchase his own wardrobe, or he could do some work for us and we would pay. So, SS21 agreed to trim the unruly hedges out front for me and to help DH build some fencing in the back when DH is ready. Here's the amazing part -- I came home today and the hedges have been perfectly manicured and cleaned up!!

I NEVER would have guessed this would happen, but I'm going to enjoy it!! Maybe it's just the "honeymoon" phase, but it's lasted about 6 weeks, and I'm going to wallow in it while I can.