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Update SS21 a.k.a. man-child mooch

BettyRay's picture

In the days following the last post I have kept my same morning routine.

SS21 spent the last 2 weeks at BMs house, his school is on the trimester system and he was on break.

He came back Sunday night.

SS21 never mention the incident to DH so DH didn't talk to him about it. Not surprised at all.

I have the same morning routine. SS21 acts like nothing happened.

Yesterday morning I was cleaning as usual and SS21 got up before 6:30 a.m. to take a shower. Even said good morning to me on the way to the shower. 

I read all your comments on the last post. Thank you for taking the time to post.

I wanted to add that I'm over trying to get my SSons to help out. I'm indifferent. I gave up and do most of the cleaning myself, it's easier than being dissapointed and upset. So I do the chores at a time that's convenient for me not the SSons or DH.

I like leaving the house in the morning knowing I'm don't have to clean when I get home at night. By the way my Dad was a clean freak and would get up at 5 a.m. to clean and garden. Guess it's in my DNA. 

I've been with DH for 14 years, married 10; I have sacraficed a lot for the SSons.  They each have a car because of me (I inherited one and the other I brough into the marriage). They each have college funds because of me. I have tried to support them in their endeavors growing up, usually that was been financially. I am dissappointed that I put forth all the effort when they don't give a F about me.

DH knows what I have done and what I do. He has made great strides in backing me up over the years but honestly I don't bother to say much to him about the SSons anymore,

82 days until graduation.




Chmmy's picture

Well Betty. At least they are graduating and maybe make something of themselves and get out. Id loke to see odds on my 4 skids graduating and getting out. Im in for years of adult skid life or a divorce

BettyRay's picture

He has zero emotional intelligence. Is extremely self-centered (which you probably already knew). He is so cheap he squeaks. He contributes absolutely nothing to our household but helps himself to most of our food. Oh and he is delusional he told his GF after he graduates he will be making money on a massive scale. This from the student who has a 2.0 GPA, I hope he knows the competition is competitive.

~Betty Ray


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sounds like it's time for your DH to pay more for the cost of feeding The Mooch. If not, I'd insist on a second refrigerator with a LOCK.

tog redux's picture

I don't think I'd be able to put up with DH allowing this kid to be a mooching freeloader in my home. 

ndc's picture

2.0?  I hope for your sake that he's doing well in all his classes this semester.  You don't graduate at many schools if you have less than a 2.0.