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SMto3's Blog

Is it fair

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To ask your Ss18 to leave? Ss18 is graduating in June. He doesn't do much besides stay in his room mostly all day and night, and as soon as he gets a little money, looks like it's goes to his vaping habit.

Ss23 to be a dad

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Ss23 as you all may remember, moved out of our house last March. He had grown accustomed to being alone in the apartment we had (we had rented our house for Airbnb but then moved back in a few months later, leaving SS23 in the apartment). Ss23 never helped consistently so we were stuck paying our mortgage, the apartment rent and 2 light bills. 
Ss23 makes 800 dollars weekly. Certainly he could have helped with the bills, especially seeing as he stood alone in the apartment.

"Kick me out then!"

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My closest sibing (in age and in general) died suddenly in his job of a heart attack on 7/8. This has affected me greatly, I was the first one at his side after he was pronounced dead and I have had to bear the brunt of the financial responsibility of burying him (I am the first and only one in my immediate family with a college degree). 

SS16 confronts DH

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Or maybe defends his inability to do well in school. 

I’ve always said that DH’s inability to maintain consistency with discipline with stepsons is a big part of why they are so screwed up. He will do something like ask SS16 if he’s logging into online school and of course the response is always yes. Well we got a report card that SS has been absent as much as 82 times in one class and is failing every single class. 

SS21 taps into H’s cell

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Last night I was curious about the location feature on the iPhone. SS16 had told me a couple of months ago that SS21 gave access to his gf so she always knew where he was (which is why when she showed up that day unannounced, she knew he was home). As I went through mine and H's phones trying to figure out how it works, I noticed that H had his location shared with only SS21. I know H didn't know about this feature so I'm certain that SS21 must have asked him for his phone one day and secretly put his location on so he could always know where H is (I'm assuming so he can do his dirt).

H switches up

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 won’t say we went on vacation, I’ll call it a visit to H’s family out of the country. During this time we stood at his “second mom’s” house, a friend’s mom who took him in after his house burned when he was 12. Many people visited her during our stay, one of which was a man who talked about his kids and what they were doing. His 2 youngest sons are 23 and 25, both moved out. 


I’ve noticed that SS16 seems to be a lot nicer to me when SS21 is not around.

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I’ve always struggled to feel like I’m not an outsider when SS16 and SS21 are together. Here’s is an example of that. SS16 nowadays will look for my affections, hug me in the mornings etc. Yesterday I was in the process of moving and I found that my bathroom spray was in his room. He then stated that it’s because every time I cook the house smells bad. 


Now this is not the first time he says that but I am starting to notice that he tends to act that way more when SS21 is around and his father isn’t. 


More bitching by SS20

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This past weekend, I went to SS15’s room and he was annoyed, stating that we need to talk to SS20 because SS20 tells us one thing but he says something else to him. I told him that I already asked SS20 if he was okay about 3 times seeing as he was making obvious he was moping, and also what more could I do if I’m already asking someone if they are okay but they insist on not sharing what is wrong. Turns out, SS15 states that SS20 is upset because he feels like he gives us his whole check.

Any thoughts on helping pay for stepkid to move out?

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Last week I posted about SS20 having his girlfriend stay over without communicating. A little more to the backstory is that DH got SS a job at his job, and SS does the overnight shift 5 days a week. His 2 nights off are the 2 nights DH does the overnight which is how he’s been getting away with sneaking people in/having guys over to party etc. I can get how his schedule might be a little screwy and having someone over during the night may make sense. The issues have been that SS seems to be an all or nothing person, at everyone else’s expense.
