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SMto3's Blog

SO gets gift for only one kid

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SS6 gets a WII, while the rest of the kids get nothing from SO. I got something for SS11, SS17 and DD1. DD1 was playing with SO's phone last week while he was asleep and BM2 text to thank him for the WII. SO has not mentioned any of it at all to me. I'm not annoyed that he bought SS6 a gift, I'm annoyed that he doesn't think to even offer half of the financing for any of the kids' gifts.

Absence of girlfriend makes SS17 regress and other news

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Here's an update for you all on my step life. SS17 has for the past few years stated that he's going to make a living as a professional boxer. I have tried to convince him to go to college or think of a back up just in case but he won't hear of it and says that anything else will just take up his time and block him from following his dreams. He also felt that the high school he was in was too ghetto and convinced his mom to switch his schools.

Just more resentment

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I don't know what to think anymore. I am really trying to be happy with SO, but the truth is that I'm not. And I believe that while he can fix it, he won't. Reflecting on it now, I think that because I came out of such a dysfunctional relationship, I saw SO as being such a catch, I did for a moment believe he was The One.

I still can't take their presence sometimes

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When I know the boys are coming home from school, I start to tense up. And I feel guilty a lot of the time because I think they do care about me, I just don't care about them sometimes. I'm resentful still. Resentful that SO gets to have Monday through Wednesday kid free, and Thursday and Friday he's going to bed at 4pm to do the overnight shift, so in a sense he doesn't deal with the kids on those days either.

SS11, the most dramatic sick kid I know

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Both of the skids, especially him, like to make a mountain out of a molehill when they are sick, and I mean stomachache, headache sick, not vomiting or diarrhea sick which is completely different.

If you remember, SS11 also has the issue of lying a lot. Anyhow, when he gets home with SS16 Wednesday night, he starts complaining that he doesn't feel well. I told him he could leave his homework for the next day, take a shower and go to bed (they get home at about 9pm since they go to SS16's boxing gym first).

This shit again

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Last week SS16 had his first boxing match. And the gf slept over because it was too late for her to take the train home. She left the next afternoon, after I kept asking SO to ask them what time she planned on leaving.

Your thoughts on 16 year old girlfriend sleepover please

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SS16 was due for his first boxing match yesterday, not pro just an event. He started telling me Friday evening that he really wanted his gf to go but because of the expected snow she would probably not make it. I knew where he was going with it, so I changed the subject.
So he asks SO to speak to him, and at that point asks him if gf could sleep over Friday night. SO very very stupidly (in my opinion), and without consulting with me said yes.

How to disengage when your SO wants your help?

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I'm tired of it all today. For those of you who keep up with my story, SO changed his schedule so that he is not home M-W until 1am. Essentially, skids don't see him all day on those days. SS16 goes to a boxing gym and he was taking SS10 with him, but SO asked me if SS10 could stay with me now that the weather is getting cold.

Noticing blended family issues at work

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Today there was a patient on my unit whose daughter thinks the SM is abusing because "he gets hospitalized too much". Mind you, the patient is not being brought in with bruises, he's alert and oriented enough to where he could verbalize abuse. Daughter wants say in father's care, however SM is the healthcare proxy. Just my opinion but if someone didn't bring him into the hospital I might consider THAT to be abuse. Made me think of all of us on here.

For all the bitching I do

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I realize SO is a good man. He's not perfect, and he has a long way to go but then again so do I in a different way. I'm realizing this after speaking to a good friend of mine, whose SO signed over his rights to his kids because BM made his life impossible. For all the shit I go through with these kids sometimes, I know I wouldn't be able to respect a man who walked away from his kids...and still didn't make an effort to see them years after he knew he made the wrong decision. I respect my SO. Makes him sexy to me right now...
