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shielded2009's Blog

So far so good...

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This has been a VERY enjoyable Christmas...WHY? Because of the invasion of my family...They TOTALLY ruled!

7 of my family is in town, and they have outshined all the drama...

SD is trying to capture all the attention...From the moment she's been here...DH has been working full time keeping her in line...But I haven't really been bothered by it because I've been busy with my family and DS...

She wasn't here 5 minutes before she picked a fight with my 15 year old cousin...I didn't know anything about it until I heard DH yelling...

Now I'm pissed...

shielded2009's picture

So everyone is off today...

DH had a great idea to go out to breakfast and take MIL along since she has to work everyday for the rest of the week...


So we're out at the restaurant, and DS starts acting like a two year old...So I sternly tell him to sit at the table and eat his food...Nothing out of the ordinary. I believe that you train them from the beginning...So he's in training...

Nobody says as usual...

Oh Well!

shielded2009's picture

So SD's last day of school for the winter break was Friday. DH has her for Christmas from Christmas eve until New Years eve...

DH had her on the Thursday evening and dropped her off at school for her last day...

BM is pissed off because she had to find and pay for child care for SD for the week she's not in school (19th-23rd)...

Oh the hell well...


Next year when DH doesn't have her for Christmas, we'll have her for the week she's out of school and we have to do the same...soooo...

Step Mothers Are Awesome!

shielded2009's picture

So my DH's step mother is in town, and we took DS to see her. She has never seen him as she lived out of the country up until recently...

OMG...Can I tell you how much I LOVE that woman...! She and DS played and played and played. She doted over him, and kissed and loved his 2 year old face the whole time we were there...

DS is usually a little tentative around people, but they were playing and hugging within 10 minutes...They played so hard, the front desk from the hotel called to tell us to keep it down as they thought we were having a party in the room!

Sooo....I guess I'm a "B"?!

shielded2009's picture

So we just had dinner...

I'm a great cook...Used to manage a cafe...always the person people want to cook, or friends call to see what I'm cooking...etc...

So SD just ate...Had 2 helpings...As she was eating, she kept telling me, "Ms. Shielded, this is so good..." Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it...Eat as much as you like...I told her...

I'm Floored...The Update...

shielded2009's picture

So DH went to SD's school to talk to the teacher regarding SD being late. The focus was a solution on what WE can do when we have her and to help with the situation overall (not figure out or try to fix what's going on at BM's house)...

Anyway, the teacher let DH know that he could leave some cereal bars and Capri Suns with her for the days that she doesn't eat. She said that even if she gets to class on time and she can give her 5 minutes to have her cereal bar, it will help. So...there's that...a viable solution...

I'm floored!

shielded2009's picture

So SD comes over last night for her visit...

DH is going through her progress folder...As he's reading, he notices one entry that the teacher made regarding her being 15 to 20 minutes late for school every day...

DH was like WTH?

He asked her why she was late...When DH has her (only one day during the school week, every other week), he drops her off at @ 7:15am...Class doesn't start until 8 am...So he drops her off early so she can have breakfast with her friends...

On all the other days, she's late...

I stand corrected...I guess...

shielded2009's picture

So in my previous blog, I wrote about my frustration with MIL trying to act like GMOTY, and DH and I pretty much having to force the communication between SD and BS...

She finally came over last night and watched movies in DH's mancave with DH and the kids...

I was holed up in my room...I REALLY didn't feel like being bothered...(a whole other story)

So this morning I see on FB how she's posted about how she's sitting watching a family movie with her granddaughter while her grandson is asleep on her lap... :sick:
