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I'm Floored...The Update...

shielded2009's picture

So DH went to SD's school to talk to the teacher regarding SD being late. The focus was a solution on what WE can do when we have her and to help with the situation overall (not figure out or try to fix what's going on at BM's house)...

Anyway, the teacher let DH know that he could leave some cereal bars and Capri Suns with her for the days that she doesn't eat. She said that even if she gets to class on time and she can give her 5 minutes to have her cereal bar, it will help. So...there's that...a viable solution...

A few things came out of the conversation that DH had with the teacher this time (he talks to her @ twice a month or more)...DH and the teacher reviewed this past week's notes together. There was a post it note in there that said, "SD is not to have breakfast in the mornings..." DH said he saw the post it note, knew it came from BM, but THOUGHT it was for the teacher...It wasn't...That note was for DH...(which I really don't get)....The teacher said that BM said that DH was bringing SD to school late, also...The teacher said she let BM know that on THOSE days, SD is on time...all the time...

Also, the teacher informed DH that BM told her that she didn't want the teacher to write anything in the progress book anymore cause she didn't want DH to see it. DH requested that she make him his own WITH the comments, and she agreed. He also requested to be included in the dialogue via email...(which is is right), and she agreed...

Another thing that came out is that the school knows that SD is not in their district, and they're "watching" and documenting things at this point. The school that she's going to is literally down the street from our house. It's a very good school. The school that SD is zoned for is on the other side of town near their home, and it's not a good school at all...unfortunately...Apparently, DH said they're keeping a file on her (with all of her behavior problems and tardies, etc..)...Probably to have grounds to kick her out next year and send her to the school in her zone...Hopefully not, as that school she is zoned for I wouldn't wish on her...really...

DH has an appointment next week to talk to the Principal...


smileygirl's picture

All I can comment on is the Zoning issue. I'm not sure about where you are or who enrolled her, etc. BUT in my area if it's shown that you enrolled a child in a public school that was outside of their zone, you must reimburse the district for their education. I had to sign acknowledging that DH would be sending his child to school from my home and that both do live there...and if I'm lying I will reimburse the school at a rate of, I think it was about $300/week or about $12,000 give or take for the year. Oh, and I'm so sorry you BM is such a wack-a-doo.

the_stepmonster's picture

I have to comment on how impressed I am with the quickness with which your DH confronted SD's teacher. If it were us, DH would say he was upset and annoyed and then just not do a damn thing about it. I'm also glad that the teacher was understanding in allowing SD to have her snack in the classroom and make up 2 separate folders for her. Your BM sounds like so much more trouble than she is worth.

shielded2009's picture

If he's nothing, he's proactive (NOW) with addressing SD's issues...

I can say that he is not vindictive against BM at all...His focus is SD...

Jsmom's picture

They are strict on it here. There was a county next store to us that lost their entire accreditation so people were doing whatever to get kids in our school district. So now, they have an anonymous tip line for it and follow you home. It is unreal. But, with the best schools in the state close to the worst, that is what they have to do.

I don't understand why she doesn't use your address, since you have legal rights with SD.

shielded2009's picture

BM doesn't use our address because it would make DH have "power" in her mind...He will know what goes on at school all the time and all the mail would come to him...She tries to keep him out of EVERYTHING, so he had to fight for whatever he does know...

She does some serious acrobatics to keep him out of SD's life...

hismineandours's picture

My ss goes to school completely out of county-not just district. Signed up by mil-who is not legal guardian-with all paperwork and info sent solely to mil. Evidently they have no concern that he is out of district nor that he was signed up by someone other than the parent/legal guardian.