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semi's Blog

How did this end up his (our) problem?

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So the BM is having surgery this morning but will be out this afternoon. Guess who is picking her up from the hospital and taking her home?? Yep, that would be us. I am obviously not happy about this. Apparently she called several people she knows and no one would do it... no surprise to me that she doesn't have any friends, a comment he made to her on the phone too - so what's the matter, don't you have any friends? But he still agreed to do it and after I was done being speechless I said I was going too.

waa, waa, waa

semi's picture

Warning: the contents below contains extreme whining and complaining.

So, he brings to the table a psycho ex-wife, one decent son, one complete little sh** son, the emotional baggage that comes with 12 years of marriage to the psycho, the financial ruin that comes with 12 years of marriage to the psycho and an upcoming legal battle to try to get custody of the decent son.

Maybe I need to just lighten up

semi's picture

I see people here with situations alot worse that what we have going on but I still am so frustrated... The 15 year old problem step-son did apologize after the big blow up a few weeks ago but we just had him for the weekend for the first time since. It didn't start well because there was some mis-communication with my boyfriend (an honest mistake on both of our parts) and I didn't realize he was going to be with us. I was SO looking forward to a nice long weekend and then found out at 6:00 thursday night that he was coming. I really, really just don't want to be around him.
