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rainbow bright83's Blog

New house and new problems come along with it...

rainbow bright83's picture

My oh my! We are getting down to the wire. This weekend we will be moving into the house. Its not all finished, but it we will be able to live in it. We have been doing drywall, then tomorrow the plan is to start siding. We have one bathroom mostly plumbed. Just need to put in drywall and then the shower head. We still have to paint the interior and exterior, get our pellet stove in, and carpet put in. I am very excited to be getting into a bigger house. That being said, its also a curse.

The House remodel project

rainbow bright83's picture

I am renovating the house I grew up in that is on my grandmas property. Hopefully it will be done in the next 2 weeks so we can then move in. My uncle was there (we were never close, but due to circumstances are working on this together and are forming one) and was concerned about my moods (Damn you FB!!! lol) I had to explain to him about all the bad memories in this house, but that I was excited to make new ones with my own family.

I am an Adult Skid

rainbow bright83's picture

}:) Mwahahaha!!! }:)

So I had typed a whole long thing about my experience and my stupid computer decided that it wasn't going to let me post it. lol

So here is the shortened version:

I am the oldest and only girl. I have 3 brothers. My parents divorced almost 11 years ago. Does it truly affect me? Not really. I still talk to my mother, its hard as I find her at fault for many things that have happened in the past. I don't talk to my dad at all, and that is due to a feud that him, his wife, and his step son began with my grandmother (my dad's mom).

Been a busy bee!

rainbow bright83's picture

What I have been up to:
I haven't been online here for a while. My Dad and his wife were finally evicted from my Grandma's property, and now we are in the process of remodeling the house due to damage caused by them. And once its done, we will be moving in.

We talked and a relief!!!

rainbow bright83's picture

I have been worrying since my DS8's birthday party that DH was going to try and push me into situations regarding SD18. I will have nothing to do with her and try not to even be around her since she spews vile lies about me to everyone including family. Well, my husband had told me I would have to deal with it if she showed up to my DS's bday party, and that left me feeling uneasy about him being considerate of my feelings. So I carefully broached to subject. To my surprise he stayed calm, didn't not try and instigate a fight, and did not raise his voice at all.

I dont want to go through this anymore.

rainbow bright83's picture

So on Sunday night the SD18 came over after blowing up my DH phone with texts & calls. She came over (waited out side as she is not allowed in) since she could get a hold of him. She wanted to use his truck since she has no car and wastes her money on tattoos and partying instead of buying a car. My DH tells her no. She demands to know why. All this is playing out in my drive way. MIL is sitting in her car acting all innocent (she drove her to my house). My DH tells her his tires are bad.

What a month!

rainbow bright83's picture

I have been away for a few weeks. Well, from the computer anyway. Its just been so hectic. With school coming to an end, dance recitals, and 2 birthdays, I have been one busy mommy!
Things are still touch and go with my DH and the SD18. She keeps coming around the in-laws and mooching off of everyone she can (even though she works she has no car and is irresponsible with her money). I was not pleased at all when DH told me I would have to just deal if she showed up to our DS8 birthday party.

The Calm

rainbow bright83's picture

Since I told my DH what his little shit (SD18) was saying and doing things have gotten quiet. Even better, is the fact that she moved back in with her mommy (BM). Since she moved, SD18 has not called asking to borrow the truck, asked for money, nothing. I am waiting for the phone call to my DH by BM when SD18 starts throwing her full blown fits, which involve throwing large heavy objects across the room at people. This happens more than it should. But now that the brat is 18, BM can handle it and leave DH out of it.

Put it all out on the table

rainbow bright83's picture

I was so upset after the whole ordeal yesterday. Barely slept while DH slept like a baby. So I broached the topic again this morning about SD18 and the shit talking and also her hitting my DD6 in the back of the head. I told him how I am tired of her shit and refuse to even be subjected to her b.s. DH said that there's not much he can do and that I should let it go. And then said that he doesnt care when BM and SD18 talk shit about him and I should just deal. I said hell no! I told him that I have and always will defend him and I excpect the same.

I told him and he's pissed

rainbow bright83's picture

So I told my DH about how I'm tired of SD18 telling family that I want to stab her baby and pour lemon juice on it. Guess what.... He's pissed at me now! Oh yes. That's right. And not only that he is also say hes going to die soon. (He always says hes just going to kill himself when it comes to me saying anything about his Angel) I told him I dont want to be around her at all and thats that. So now I get the silent treatment and its all my fault. Ugh!!!!!! I'm tired of this girls shit and I'm tired of DH not standing up for me! Fuck him.
