I dont want to go through this anymore.
So on Sunday night the SD18 came over after blowing up my DH phone with texts & calls. She came over (waited out side as she is not allowed in) since she could get a hold of him. She wanted to use his truck since she has no car and wastes her money on tattoos and partying instead of buying a car. My DH tells her no. She demands to know why. All this is playing out in my drive way. MIL is sitting in her car acting all innocent (she drove her to my house). My DH tells her his tires are bad. SD18 gets out of MIL car and inspects all 4 tires while YELLING to my husband that she doesn't care. Its like 10pm Sunday night. So fast forward to Tuesday, my DH birthday. My DH comes home with a cake, and I ask who make it. He tells me the girls. I was like the girls? He rattles off his nieces names and then quickly includes SD18.
I understand that this is his kid. I get that. BUT, how many times do I get to let her weasel her way back into the good graces of my DH only to then learn about the vile crap she is telling people about me and her dad. Mostly to family. I have dealt with this brat and her drama and shit talking for long enough. I don't feel like going another round. I feel like my DH just wants me to forget about it and act like nothings wrong. I CANT do IT!!!
I love my Husband and he is good to me and my bio son and our 2 shared children. I just wish he would cut the ties. I hate even bring the subject of SD18 up. All I hear is "I know you hate my kids". Well yes I do. I have never hid it from him. They are vile little creatures and I have every right to hate them for what they have cause me and my kids to go through.
I am so tired of her.... And also tired of DH way of handling her.
Thanks for the vent session.
- rainbow bright83's blog
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I feel your pain. And I have
I feel your pain. And I have guilt that goes along with it too. I tell myself " how could a mother dislike a child (sd) so much" Then I remin myself that she is a liar and manipulator and I was not put here on this earth to love her. I was not the one who made her this way either. Everyone just expects me to love her with open arms and then be one big happy family...but that is not the way it works. In reality she is a child who lies and manipulates and makes me crazy...why would I ever just naturally love a child like that? I definitely can relate! And her bio dad does NOTHING, If ever she has a consequence...it is blamed on me! What the heck? So unfair!
My DH's family always says
My DH's family always says (and I know its directed at me) You can choose your friends but not your family. I always throw back at them SD is not my family and is nothing to me. I never tried to be her mommy as she already had one. I know this might sound bitchy, but its true. Its been 7 going on 8 years of hell this SKids and I want off the ride, but don't want to give up on my marriage. And it SUCKS! lol