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What a month!

rainbow bright83's picture

I have been away for a few weeks. Well, from the computer anyway. Its just been so hectic. With school coming to an end, dance recitals, and 2 birthdays, I have been one busy mommy!
Things are still touch and go with my DH and the SD18. She keeps coming around the in-laws and mooching off of everyone she can (even though she works she has no car and is irresponsible with her money). I was not pleased at all when DH told me I would have to just deal if she showed up to our DS8 birthday party.
Um, NO?!? I don't have to deal. She wasn't invited. She then showed up after blowing up my DH cell phone with call after call and text after text. My stupid MIL decided she would bring her over since SD18 couldn't get a hold of him by phone. (MY DH was in the shower for god sakes!) So they (SD19 and MIL) wait out in the car in my driveway for 10-15 mins until my DH went out to see what they wanted. And of course she wants to use DH truck. My DH came up with this lame excuse about his tires being bad. So what does SD18 do? She gets out of MIL car and walks around my DH truck and inspects all 4 tires. Then she argued about the tires and finally through a fit because how dare he say no!
I am glad my DH said no, as I would like her to realize that he is not at her beck and call anymore (for the time being anyway). I cant stand her one bit!!! My DH's family knows it but seems hell bent on shoving her back into my family. I kicked her out and with good reason! UGH!!!! (sorry for the rant, I just cant stand her)

And as always thanks for listening! lol