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Rags's Blog

Blind sided by a problem I did not even realize was a specific problem. Though I realized that something was wrong. O/T BTW.

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So, in the tradition of John, Kate and several members of the the Stalker community ......... On Thursday of last week my Wife decided to finally dish on what has been bothering her for the past few months. This was not a total surprise because I have been picking up on some less than tender body language, looking away from me when I have made attempts at good natured flirting, etc.......

John and Kate bite the dust.

Rags's picture

Sad, sad, sad. But, not surprising considering the increasing tension and lack of communication building over the past 3 or so years.

I honor their decision to let the kids stay in their home and John and Kate rotate out on their alternating schedules.

Wow, truly sad.

Everyone hug your spouse tonight and tell your kids/Skids that you love them.

Best regards,

It is now official. I am now the worlds most evil Step Father.

Rags's picture

MY SS did comparatively well this past school years academically. However, he struggles with writing structured papers and absolutely hates it. English was his lowest grade and he BARELY made the cut in that class.

I instructed him to find a Sylvan Center or a similar program and get himself signed up for a Writing class so that he can go back to school in the fall for his Sr year of high-school better prepared to perform well in English and other writing intensive courses.

BioDad and SpermGrandMa suddenly have developed a keen interest in grilling the Skid to make sure that HE is doing what HE wants

Rags's picture

These people have never given a flying rats ass about anything but how to avoid responsibility for my SS and how to use the Visitation/CS CO to manipulate my Wife.

Now, all of a sudden, they are keenly interested in making sure that SS WANTS to go to JROTC Leadership Camp and that Mom and SDad are not forcing him to go?????????????

And he just got off of the phone with BioDad. He actually called the idiot to tell him.

Rags's picture

BioDad asked two questions.

1. Do you want to do this or do your Mom and HIM want you to do it?

Good question and exactly the question I would ask if I was him. So I will throw him a bone and say that he has at lease one viable brain cell in his head.

2. How much is this going to cost me?

The Skid is truly becoming a formidable young man.

Rags's picture

So, the kid gets a letter on Friday informing him he has been selected for and invited to Summer Leadership Camp the two weeks before school starts. This is a really cool thing for kids that attend Military School. It means the Cadet Leadership, the academic staff and the administration think he has something to offer and it develops kids in to leadership roles in the Corps of Cadets.

The whole invitation letter thing is a funny story that I will blog on later.

Yes, it often happens that a truly inept parent retains custody or visitation even with impeccable witnesses against them.

Rags's picture

In a now deleted thread asking if a custody or visitation can be stopped due to a person be a poor parent it was asked if teachers, school officials and other impeccable witnesses condemn the individual as a poor parent. In my research and direct experience it takes a truly incredible chain of events and heinous behavior by a parent to take custody or visitation away. To the detriment of the child. IMHO.

The answer is often yes, it is extremely difficult to take custody or visitation even from a truly bad parent.

Is it just me or is it getting crazy busy around our "little" community?

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I am going to have to quit my job and get divorced just to keep up with my STalk surfing! Biggrin

A few short months ago I could reasonably skim each and every post in each and every recently active thread every day. That is not happenin these days.

I have to participate in a limited number of threads until they burn out. As one burns out I add one but I can't keep up with them all.

Any recommendations on how I can improve my surfing efficiency?

One of my senior employees missed work on Monday. At the CourtHouse filing to end CS.

Rags's picture

He came to work yesterday on a cloud. He said that he was the only person at the courthouse walking around with a smile on his face. He has four children. Two from his first marriage (21 and 18) and two with his current Wife.

He came to my office and just sat there with a big ol grin on his face, turned to me and said. "17 years $130,000 and I just got a $600/mo raise". "My XW is going to freak out. I am not calling to tell her, the CSE will send her a letter".
