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Onewillfullstepmom's Blog

Clothing wars, coloring wars, and general uselessness

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So BM still has not gotten SD appropriate clothing for the changing weather, she sends her over here wearing last years pants that are now 2 sizes too small. I on the other hand spent $200 on new clothing to make sure she had clothes that fit and kept her warm. I already sent SD over there wearing 2 of the outfits I bought with nothing returned to me including the sneakers I bought. Instead she came back wearing sandals.... Granted we live in AZ and there isn't exactly snow on the ground, but in the mroning it pretty cold, at least for what we are acclimated to.

Little help

Onewillfullstepmom's picture

I have figured out most of the acronyms by context, but can someone please tell me what GUBM, and GBM mean? It's driving me crazy.

Also as an update- the bed time plan is still going strong, apparently stickers are the magic trick behind SD4's obedience! Who knew?

SD4 and the bedtime plan

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My SD4 is for the most part a very good kid thus far... she is possibly the most stubborn child ever and it's hard to get through to her when she has it in her mind that she wants (or doesn't want) something, but she's mostly a good kid. The biggest battle we have is..... BEDTIME!!! I'm sure that is shocking to all of you. I believe that because BM works graveyards, she often allows SD4 to stay up very late so that she will sleep in, thus allowing BM to sleep in... I get that, but it makes it much harder when she is at out house.

With one failed pregnancy....

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"With one failed pregnancy"

This particular entry is not about my SD4. But I am sitting here, losing my mind and I thought that maybe someone else has been through this and can shed some light, or help me gain some perspective.

I lost a pregnancy in April and it was... well awful as you can probably imagine. Since then I have bouts of depression, but for the most part, I am better.
