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oilandwater's Blog

Dadeee, I need a favor. LMFAO!!!

oilandwater's picture

Backstory: SS22 "borrowed" $500 dollars from us over a year ago for a washer & dryer. DH and I agreed that lending him the money would be a good way to determine if he was going to be financially responsible. The deal was if he made an effort to pay it off (even $10.00) we would forgive the loan, if not we would not loan him more or co-sign on any loans. He made no attempt to pay whatsoever.

In the meantime SS22 recently has been hitting DH up for new tires and to pay to get his dog fixed.

Dadeee, I need a favor. LMFAO!!!

oilandwater's picture

Backstory: SS22 "borrowed" $500 dollars from us over a year ago for a washer & dryer. DH and I agreed that lending him the money would be a good way to determine if he was going to be financially responsible. The deal was if he made an effort to pay it off (even $10.00) we would forgive the loan, if not we would not loan him more or co-sign on any loans. He made no attempt to pay whatsoever.

In the meantime SS22 recently has been hitting DH up for new tires and to pay to get his dog fixed.

I guess Stepmother talk is taboo on FB...

oilandwater's picture

I was just trying to be supportive....

Okay, I don't have many facebook friends, because quite honestly I am a pretty quiet person, and I don't want people knowing when I eat, sleep and poop! But I don't live in my hometown, and I was in the military, so I thought creating a facebook page would be a great way to get back in touch with people I have met over the years, and for the most part, it has been.

Just a vent... I am probably being irrational....

oilandwater's picture

A little backstory, I am in the reserves and I have been away from home for the last three weeks. I went grocery shoppng on Thurs and Friday enough to cover my BD12, BS10, DH and myself. Skids were aware that I would be gone(skids SD21, SS19, SD15. They did not visit DH one time while I was away, but tonight SD 21 suddenly wants to come see her Daddy....