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I posted last week about our infuriating BM and having a plan. Well that plan went to heck in a handbasket.

The good in the discussion: If DH wants to pay CS through DCSE, he can set that up without an issue. And if we want to move away and take DD with us (DH is SD), we should be able to get a move away order.

Infuriating BM--We have a plan!

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So after 2 horrible days at home, DH and I argued to some level of resolution last night. We have a plan for what to do with BM. DH wants to have no contact with her whatsoever. I'm not sure how feasible that is, but we're going to try. In order to get anywhere near that, we're going to need to modify the current CO to incorporate some critical details that are unclear or unaddressed in our current CO. Here's my list

Infuriating BM *vent*

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I am so frustrated that I just can't seem to get BM out of my life and out of my house!

We have EOWE visitation, with pickup from school or babysitter. You would think that would make it so that we didn't have to deal with BM at all, but it never seems to go that way! Every time we pick up, there has to be some kind of something from her, and she's totally chaotic. Nothing ever goes to schedule or to plan, which drives me crazy!

DH burned BM's biscuits!

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BM is a real piece of work. She's just impossible to deal with, will not compromise on anything, a classical malignant narcissist.

SS6 is her golden boy. In her eyes, he's perfect, in spite of several developmental delays that are untreated (speech, fine motor). She's heavily engaged in parental alienation, to the point that the boy refuses to visit DH at all. Truth be told, I believe he believes that he's doing what BM wants when he rejects visitation with DH.

Why does she treat DH like a deadbeat?!

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SS puked at school yesterday. When questioned by his stepdad (mom is deployed and he has her parenting time), SS mentioned that he had puked on Sunday when he was with us (he went back to them on Monday AM, without incident). SS did puke in the AM, and then played in the pool for hours, ate a decent lunch and a full (clean plate) dinner. There were no on-going issues, and therefore nothing to report to the stepdad.

All of my kindness is taken for weakness

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DH and I have been married 14 months. We were together for about a year beforehand, and I have known him, his ex, and his kids since his daughter was 6 months old. We knew eachother when we were married to other people. I disliked his ex for years before they divorced, so I was really happy to see her go.

SKids are ruining my marriage!

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I am literally at my wit's end over this.

DH and I have been married just over a year, but we've been friends for years and I've known his kids their whole lives. Their mother is a horrible narcissistic witch, who quite literally got pregnant with their now 5.5 year old without now DH's consent. Yeah, she's like that.

So their mother hates me and hates him and hates that we're together, a fact that she makes clear to the skids in all ways possible.
