nengooseus's Blog
It's Our Job to Entertain SS?
The latest in our never-ending saga comes from the only therapist in the world that BM and DH could agree to use...
Apparently, SS doesn't like coming to our house because it's boring for him, which is why he refuses visits. We don't make his bio-sister and DD play with him. (Because they're 11 and 10, and he's 6.5.)
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Another blog got me thinking
For the first time since July 2015, SS 6.5 joined his sister, DH, DD and me for the morning on Saturday. He is Infuriating BM's minion and had been refusing all contact with DH until January, when therapy finally started. Since that time, DH has been taking him and sometimes SD 11 for daytime visits without me or DD 10.
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"I haven't heard from you in a month"
A month ago, 4 days before we headed to court because of her petition to reduce DH's time with the skids from 35% of the time to EOWE, BM notified him that she will be deployed in July 2016. She noted that she hoped they could come to an arrangement in which her husband cared for the kids in her absence.
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And Now, The Contempt Filing!
When last I blogged, Infuriating BM had threatened to file a show cause (contempt) claim against DH for not paying for SD's orthodontia.
To date, we have not received a receipt from which to pay. On the day of court (3/9), when the show cause was threatened, we requested one through our lawyer. BM provided a ledger copy that didn't show what had been paid or charged, and was all together confusing. We asked for receipts and explanations of benefit.
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We can't win for losing.
Today was the court date for Infuriating BM's motion to reduce DH's parenting time from 4 of every 14 days to 2 of every 14 days. It was just an introductory hearing, a Guardian Ad Litem was assigned, and a hearing date set for the end of June, because she's deploying in July
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Lol! Is this karma?
When last I wrote of our infuriating BM, we had been served with modification papers that would take DH's parenting time from 4 days out of 14 to 2 days out of 14. He was broken and miserable, not sure of what to do, and flirting with the idea of signing away all custody due to BM's constant BS and PA, especially of his son, 6, who has been refusing visits since July.
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Why is the deck always stacked in her favor?
I posted yesterday about transportation for visitation and the fact that BM refuses to do anything. Overwhelming consensus of comments was the we're SOL and if he wants visitation then he has to suck it up and drive. Whatever.
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Transportation for visitation
Infuriating BM moved out of what had been the marital home when they split 4 years ago to a neighborhood about 20 minutes away (40 minutes roundtrip). BM has primary custody, so kids are in school there. They are dropped at their babysitter's after school, which is about 5 minutes from BM's house.
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So now DH has to become funtime dad?
When last we left our never-ending chronicle, infuriating BM had filed a petition for sole custody of the SKids based on DH's refusal (which it wasn't) to allow therapy for them and the "degradation" of the sibling relationship that has resulted from SS refusing visitation since July.
DH and I spoke with an(other) attorney, who agrees that her filing is ridiculous, but who thinks that the court will find enough material change in circumstances to justify further investigation. We will likely be referred for mediation and assigned a GAL.
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The Infuriating BM Strikes Again!
When we last left our story (on Monday), BM had finally agreed to a therapist for SS 6.5. As a reminder, DH has been asking for him to participate in therapy since July 2015, when SS started to refuse visitation.
Today, DH was served with a motion to change visitation and order therapy for both SS and SD 11, because DH "refuses to allow either child to attend therapy with any of the professionals that the mother has suggested. (SS's) relationship with his sister is being impacted by the breakdown in relationship with his father."
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