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mommylove's Blog

Unwanted Houseguests

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You may be his wife, but you are replacble dear. His children are not replace-able nor are they dispensable......

I stole this comment by SpunkiDoolittle2 from another blog because it's along the lines of something I've actually been thinking about lately.

I lost It!

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I've been under a tremendous amount of stress lately and feeling quite depressed because my marriage and my current job are basically a complete joke, so today I finally just lost it.


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I don't hate SD, I don't even dislike SD as a person, I just don't love SD or have any special sort of bond with her like I do my own children or even my other immediate or extended family (parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, close cousins, etc.), so that I don't miss SD when she's not around, nor do I have an interest in spending time with her when she is around, and instead I just feel uncomfortable and resentful for feeling forced to have her around when I wouldn't otherwise want her around.

Did anyone else read this (from monsterous "Can't Stand SKs" thread)? Thoughts?

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Submitted by nicolekk8 on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 1:08am.
Wow- I'm a 27 year old step-daughter and when I stumbled upon this blog it was so heartbreaking to see all of this "venting" from so many step-mothers that I had to comment.

**As a disclaimer- my comments are really toward the moms who hate very young step-children - I'd say 8yrs old and younger.**

Potential Weekend Conflict

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Okay, so those who've read any of my recent blogs and posts should already know by now that I've been trying to separate from H for about the past month. While I've struggled to give H a firm move out date to be considerate of all that entails & how his life will be impacted after (mainly in terms of our co-parenting situation including the financial implications), I can't help but feel like the SD weekends are that much harder for me knowing I don't even want her Dad here, let alone her, and that meanwhile I am still subsidizing all of this (his living here & her visiting.)

Crazy Week...Divorce, Sex & Facebook! (LONG Update...)

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I know this has been asked before, but how do you cut ties with someone that you love? God I love my H, but I am so over this marriage because of what it has done to me as a person (killed my self-esteem) and how I feel about marriage based on this experience (that marriage is so OVERRATED and NOT my "cup 'o tea".)
