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Update on Divorce Talk

mommylove's picture

Ok, so I had a long talk with H lastnight & this time he was the one that initiated the conversation, & it was NOT an argument! Smile

H admitted his emotions & motivations since our last divorce conversation the other day basically ran the gamut of what I suspected. Yes he does still love me & doesn't want to split, but at the same time did admit that he'd reviewed his financial situation and determined that he couldn't afford to be separated from me. It was a surprisingly calm conversation, but I stood my ground that I'm already past the point of wanting to try to fix this (that that was supposed to happen while we'd attended counseling in the past 6 months & nothing improved so my interest in working it out had expired months ago & I had just started to plan for the "after".) He seemed to accept this pretty well & we were even able to begin some conversations about how to handle co-parenting the boys "after".

This is an SD weekend & H is on his way to pick her up as I write this so I am now tense with anxiety over that on top of everything else. My plan is to leave the kids to him this weekend (as it will be on the weekends he has SD "after") and just do something for ME for a change. I will follow-up on setting a Date for the "after" to begin after SD goes home on Sunday.


happymostly's picture

I am glad the talk went well. hopefully you guys can continue to be amicable for the boys sake and figure out how to move on with your lives separately. Good luck!