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MJL2010's Blog

Need to vent (warning: negativity and language)

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This will never stop! Disgusting filthy BM.....I have gotten to the point where I feel ok about her not really being my problem and can laugh most of the time about her and her antics where DH is concerned. But unfortunately her filth has absolutely translated to my no longer trusting, enjoying my skids or always wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt where alienation and shit is concerned. We watched "Welcome Back, Pluto" last night and I felt little glimpses of understanding about the crap they must go through with her, but honestly, I just dread seeing them now.

Finally found the perfect name for BM!

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After trying on many names for BM, including "CT"- (Crazy Train), "Pigface".....and poaching a couple from Steptalkers ("Beast" is great for her, thank you, FormerAAGirl!), we have found the perfect one. Actually, she gave it to herself because lately her every correspondence has called DH "fool". Today, she made it plural, calling DH and me "fools". So....."Mr. T" is her new name. She doesn't have a Mohawk, and she is the epitome of pompous idiot who makes the most of her British accent, is constantly throwing around British witicisms, get lots of attention like a good narcissist.

Another "excellent parenting choice" by BM

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LOL- years ago, in an email response to DH addressing his concerns of the kids watching inappropriate television, staying up too late, eating too much junk, etc...BM told him that she makes "...excellent parenting choices" and that every single thing she does is done with her sons' best interest in mind.

Tired of it all, need a break, not sure if I care anymore!

MJL2010's picture

Nothing huge has happened, except for DH's being laid off (which is absolutely huge and absolutely sucks, of course, but I mean BM/skids-wise). Just more of the same crap. Just wondering if any of you have ever felt like you're not sure if you care after all you've been through? I used to care so much and get so fired up over the shit BM does and says, I used to care how it did or didn't affect skids, and how it would affect my relationship with them. Now I really feel past that.

BM/Medical Part II- advice requested!

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So the other day I nutshelled about SS7, who had fallen while ice skating and hit his head. I observed, kept checking him, and finally took him to Urgent Care as he seemed pretty tired. They told me that if I suspected a concussion, I should take him immediately to ER. He vomited on the way and off to ER we went. After a long afternoon, he is absolutely fine, thank goodness- they didn't even order a CT scan.

Of course this has become an issue with BM. Here's the latest:

SSs health care issues with good ole' BM

MJL2010's picture

Does anyone know if BM has the right/ability to look up DH's IRS records? Neither of them pays the other child support, as they have joint custody. Her income is substantially higher than DH's and she wants to increase the percentage he pays for the boys' health care costs. Just wondering if she can have ready access to this information?

Astounding, but I should've expected it! LONG.

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Does anyone else get all fired up about posting some crazy new BM story, but then just lose steam because there are so many CRAZY details that the thought of putting it together in a post becomes daunting? NPD BMs are so hard to chronicle. They are also hard to document, because of the manic, erratic nature of their sickness.

Welcome Back, Pluto- age recommendation?

MJL2010's picture

Hi all! Can this dvd be shown to seven-year-olds? I would love to know if it's appropriate. SSs are slowly being destroyed by BM's interrogation and brainwashing tactics. When they tell us the stuff she tells them, we respond with either, "Do you think that's true?" or "That is grown-up stuff- not for you to worry about." Sooner or later they will be PAS-ed out, I'm afraid- but I am just wondering if this could help hold it off for a while or give them some "safe" stuff to think about as they get older and she tries harder and harder to make them despise DH, their step-siblings, and me?

Wow! SSs6 (almost 7), especially the sensitive one, have been basically ignoring me for the last week- here's why:

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I asked DH to tell them that he has noticed that they are barely speaking to me. (I've been telling him that something was strange for a week now.) Sensitive one didn't reveal anything but the other told DH that "Mommy told us that MJL and you are being really mean to her and are taking her to court."

Court is tomorrow. She will answer to a request for an order of protection that DH filed, due to her harassing incessant texting and calling.

The more I think about it-

MJL2010's picture

-the more I question a BM's motives at alienating her kids' dad and stepmom. Her hatred of us and herself is going to produce a trickle-down effect on her poor kids. It may have already. Working hard to make your kids feel sad and conflicted about being in the other parent's care- especially when other parent/household thrives on consistency, fairness and NOT playing ridiculous games- is really messed up. I wish the skids were mature enough to be able to believe what they feel is right and not take the things she says so seriously.
