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MJL2010's Blog

Boy is she powerful and fantastic, and not in the slightest bit crazy!

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BM texted DH this morning that she has assembled a "team", made up of:
-her parents
-her friends
-two mentors for her children
-all four of her attorneys, both past and present
-her therapist
-her family doctor.

This "dream team", if you will, is responsible for screening e-mails from DH, determining whether the correspondence is ok for her to read or not. This way, she won't have to deal with his "abuse" (he is a real jerk and always does abusive things like stating facts) all alone.

Update on summer camp kerfuffle

MJL2010's picture

I promised an update!

DH and BM were in court last week after a change-of-circumstance he filed. Nutshell- BM wrote a letter to our town rec. dept. saying that she will not allow SSs to attend half-day camp here (they spent equal times in our town half-day camp and in the in-between town full-day camp last summer).

She actually followed through on a threat!

MJL2010's picture

I wrote in Family Court forum a couple weeks back about a threat BM made, to contact our town and prevent skids from attending camp here (last year they split time here and in her town). Their stepsiblings go to camp here, they love camp here- it's a partial-day camp where I pick up at noon, then we do lunch/pool/etc...for the rest of the day.

Double standard

MJL2010's picture

Last week, I posted this as an aside in a forum. BM told the twins that she didn't want them to live with her anymore- she wanted them to live with their dad full-time. Then, she had one of them call their dad and leave a voicemail, telling him this.

I miss the days...

MJL2010's picture

...when I was naive and thought it would be possible for me to love my stepkids even a fraction of how much I love my own. I hate to say that my hatred of BM, her constant shit, DH's guilty dad syndrome over how much of a sicko she is, and my SSs' consequent neediness, have beaten my love for them right down to an ember.

A quiet house and a realization

MJL2010's picture

Whew! SSs are off to a birthday party (because of course BM sees to it that if one of them is invited to a party, the other one is of course included- wouldn't want twins to ever do anything apart- please refer to my earlier post) and then she is taking them for the night because it is her birthday (check out another post from last week where she requested a particular present) lol!
This house is finally quiet. I am sitting on the screen porch with the two cats who are laying in the sun, not wanting to move, not wanting anything from me. Bliss!!

Twin question

MJL2010's picture

I have tried Google, to no avail. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about twin behavior. SSs7 are growing more and more dependent upon each other where physical proximity is concerned as they get older. When they go to bed at night they start in different beds but it is not at all unusual to find them in the same bed in the middle of the night. Also, during daylight hours (on weekends) they entwine themselves with each other, they can never be without the other. This brings neediness to a whole other level and their dad is finding it pretty disconcerting.


MJL2010's picture

Today, SS7 walked out of the laundry room with his backpack and handed DH a slip of paper. "Dad", he said, "Mom wrote down what she'd like us to get her for her birthday this weekend.". He handed DH the slip, DH read it, kind of choked a little, and very quietly said to me, "Good luck.". She had written the name of a lovely perfume that retails at $70 for the small size of cologne. This from the woman who has been nothing short of horrific to us, and who wants nothing more than to f- up her children beyond all recognition.

The nerve of some BMs!!!!!


MJL2010's picture

Sigh. I have been doing really well with not thinking overmuch about BM and not letting her get to me. At almost 30 weeks pregnant with this SURPRISE baby, I feel like I've absolutely turned a corner where this woman is concerned. However....she recently said something about me which is just needling away at me. And I know why she said it- because she most likely has NPD, she believes what she wants to believe, and that will never ever change.

Need to break habits before they affect my marriage

MJL2010's picture

How do you all deal with your philosophical differences, where parenting is concerned, in your blended families? Because our kids' (DH's two, 7-year-old twins, and my two, DS7 and DD6)similar ages, I get really frustrated when behavioral standards and expectations are so different. I know that each child is different and I have no trouble setting standards that all kids should be able to abide by, regarding basics- bedtimes and sleep-time etiquette, meals and food-related expectations and table etiquette, times for homework, etc.
