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MJL2010's picture

Today, SS7 walked out of the laundry room with his backpack and handed DH a slip of paper. "Dad", he said, "Mom wrote down what she'd like us to get her for her birthday this weekend.". He handed DH the slip, DH read it, kind of choked a little, and very quietly said to me, "Good luck.". She had written the name of a lovely perfume that retails at $70 for the small size of cologne. This from the woman who has been nothing short of horrific to us, and who wants nothing more than to f- up her children beyond all recognition.

The nerve of some BMs!!!!!


3familiesIn1's picture

Yes, my XH is that entitled that he lets the kids know what he wants - how nice. Last year he was dropping them off the week before his b-day and said, don't forget my b-day is next week - see you then... are you kidding me???

Get her perfume, definately - give SS a $5 limit and tell him to pick the one he likes best - LMAO

ConfusedStep's picture

Not even that.

Bitch is crazy. I misread it at first and thought the mom made a list of things for the kid's birthday - reread it and almost collapsed.

Anon2009's picture

Does she have family who could help her out with this? Because if she does, she should be turning to them...

smdh's picture

Geesh, I McCrazy was out of her mind. She at least has the good sense to use the hard earned money dh sends her every month to buy herself a present and pretend it is from SD.

I can't imagine the nerve.

windee's picture

When my son was little and his dad was in his life for the few seconds that he was ....I had my son give his dad a picture of himself in a frame. Maybe your SS can make a frame to go around a picture of his. Or go to a dollar store and let him take his time picking something out. Dollar General...he could get her a few things at $1.00 each. Those stores are great for things like that, all things are $1.00.

imjustthemaid's picture

Take him to the dollar store to pick out her presents! BM did this when SD was 11. She told SD to tell DH that she wanted this new phone that was about $300 AND wanted DH to put it on OUR plan!!! Crazy bitch!!

knucklehead's picture

Can you buy it and then reduce the CS payment by that amount? }:)


go buy a cheap knockoff at the dollar store and tell her that's all you can afford after paying CS.

MJL2010's picture

Oh man- does the dollar store sell fine perfumes??? That would be soooooooo amazingly wonderful! And the irony is that before this happened, I had been planning to take them to a new-age store and choose a (soy, good-quality) candle with aromatherapy benefits for like peace or love or happiness or whatever they wish for her on her birthday!! I am totally in Dollar Store mode!! Thank you all for the chuckles! Glad you got a kick out of her antics too!

Ommy's picture

Am I the only one thinking...

empty perfume bottle...pee...full wrap... }:)

Ommy's picture

thank goodness. All I could do was picture my BM's face after spraying herself with my pee...oh the little joys....

everyone else was behaving with their comments I felt like a crazy person...

Ommy's picture

I am just glad I am not the only crazy out there...hehehe I was beginning to feel like a freak being the only one to suggest it, everyone else was suggesting doing cards or dollar store I go to my closet and find an empty bottle...

B22S22's picture

what would you call it??

L'aire du ommy?

Eau de om?

Pisse toilette?

Unfreakingreal's picture

Our BM told SD she wanted a necklace for Mother's Day a few years ago. IGNORED. A few years after that she asked SD to ask my DH what size UNDERWEAR he wore so she could buy him some for Fathers Day. I told DH that if she dared send him underwear they're going in the garbage. These fucking women are INSANE I SWEAR!!!! I'd go buy the perfume for myself and give her the mini samples they give out for free. Smile

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

My skids still act like DH should purchase BM gifts from HIM!! Ummmm nope! She got remarried as well. I had DH send her an email long ago that simply outlined all this gift giving stuff- FINALLY/ made it simple for everyone; i take skids to stores to purchase from skids to MY DH for ALL holidays & HER DH takes the skids to purchase for her. The end.

BUT.,, crazy BM still tries her antics. We just shut it down now. In the beginning of our relationship, she had major boundary issues (still does to some extent) and she would send very inappropriate gifts to DH "from the kids". Funny thing is the kids had no idea what was wrapped up, neither did her DH!!! So we got the last laugh on her!!! For our first anniversary she sent a gift to DH thru the kids, it was from HER. Wonder what if was? It was those kinky love coupon books you give to your lover!!!! Wtf was this crazy bitc" trying to do?!? So when we took the boys back, I handed it to HER DH, & I sternly told him to tell her to go play crazy to someone else!!!!! Her DH was beyond shocked & mortified when I explained what she had done (btw the kids knew nothing of this & I spoke to her DH infront of the car without the kids being able to hear). I also gave him the card that was addressed to DH alone & was signed "all my love, forever & ever, BM".

Lets just say Id LOVE the piss in a bottle idea!!! GENIUS!!!! Lol. Have them make her a card. Done. Does BM have a significant other now? If so, thats her DH or BF job now. If the kids wanna make her a handmade card- then let em have at it. But buying a gift more then say $5 is just retarded!!!