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Sad and ironic

MJL2010's picture

When BM moved to Fabuloustown and began crafting her new persona and alternate reality, 15 years ago...she was quick to mark her territory by making BFFs with all the twins' friends' moms. Most of them believed the version of DH and me that she presented them with. I remember being completely blanked by the moms in twins' friend group on the day of their middle school walkthrough. I found out yesterday that the meanest mom- the one I still remember staring at me hatefully that day, has since gotten divorced from her kids' dad. Also that in the divorce, those parents wiped their accounts clean and their eldest couldn't return to college this year. The twins' friend (middle child) didn't go either because his mother convinced him that his job was to stay home and take care of her. A few weeks ago, the dad almost strangled him and this poor child is now couch-hopping because he doesn't feel safe living with either of his parents.

So many of the twins' friends' parents have now gotten divorced. It's just really sad and ironic.



thinkthrice's picture

 "The one I still remember staring at me hatefully that day, has since gotten divorced from her kids' dad."

MJL2010's picture

Without question, Think...I wonder if the drama and awful incident between twins' friend and his dad...might have something to do with the stress this guy might be under due to her. (Pure speculation and obviously biased based on my experiences with our lovely BM!)

Rags's picture

A fun and evil thought.

When she runs off baby daddy and nails him for a lifetime of hell, you and her Baby Daddy can have lunch quarterly to discuss strategy for getting her to stroke out.


MJL2010's picture

Hmmm Rags that is fun and evil!! I'll

suggest it to DH. They should start a "Fabuloustown Divorced Dads" group! 


CLove's picture

Relational aggression is VERY strong in my current small town. One person creates those false negative narratives and you are socially on the outs. 

Good folks rise to the top always.

MJL2010's picture

What a great optimistic perspective, CLove. It's astounding how many would never even consider a different side of the same story. Gotta just keep doing the right thing, and doing right by the kids. And then at least people who aren't narcissists can look in the mirror at the end of the day and not stress so much over social insanity.

CLove's picture

Its been a tough road.