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Precious Punk is homeless- I will not squeal with glee, I will not sqeal with glee, I will not squeal with glee.....

irritatedgal's picture

After stepbrat trying to come live with us :sick: (which, thankfully, DH will not allow)coming over for Thanksgiving and acting like a jerk, he's wanted to come visit a couple of times in recent months. Four wonderful, blessed months have gone by without a visit, though if precious punk had his way, there would have been 2 visits already. He wanted to stay with his girlfriend, and hubby put the "blame" for saying no on me. He told precious punk on the phone that "my wife won't allow it." After DH got off the phone he told me he didn't see the problem with the room (they'd be in our small living room) and I said why I didn't want precious punk over and couldn't afford to feed him, much less another adult on top of it all.

So basically the reason he is homeless is he's burned bridges couch-hopping and biomom (horrible woman, loooong story, check original post for that)wont let him live with us. A counselor with Boystown national hotline said "Don't do it, he'll take over the house." Those reasons are he's violent, self-centered, and has a sense of entitlement. Even DH, who is more sympathetic than I am towards him, admits this. Precious Punk has also only worked 5 days in his life. He was let go for safety leave from one place cuz rocks were being thrown at him (he was falsely accused of rape)and the other, 1 day was when he was fired for head-butting stepdad.

This kid has put everyone through PURE HELL during his teen years,which started when he was 9 years old. Am I wrong for thinking he deserves to be homeless? Maybe if he gets desperate enough he'll move a few hours away...I hope....

Also any suggestions for making him be uncomfortable for when he does visit would be helpful. Dad doesn't even always answer his calls so I wonder why he wants to come visit again...for free food and a place to sleep for a night? I cant make it super-obvious, btw, or DH will lable me as "rude" but anything subtle I can do to make his visits formal will help. Thanks

Auteur's picture

Yeah that rehab stuff NEVER works unless the person who is undergoing rehab wants to rehab!!!

My 2nd hubby was court ordered into rehab i don't know how many times. The second he got out he went looking for alcohol and lots of it!! A leopard doesn't change it's spots.

stepmasochist's picture

Hmm, for uncomfortable visit I'd remove any remotely appealing food from the cabinets and try to get as much out of the fridge before he comes. Maybe you could store some of it with a neighbor.

Don't wait on him at all. Make him make up his own bed with clean sheets that he has to fetch from the linen closet. Make him pick up after himself every morning since he's going to be in the living room and etc.

Maybe even have the cable or satellite "break" for those few days, i.e. just unplug it outside and tell DH that you called the repairman, but they won't be able to make it until - day after SS is supposed to leave.

hippiegirl's picture

Refer to everything in the house as "mine" or "my". Say things like, "you wanna see how I redecorated my bathroom"? Or "you wanna see the flowers I planted in my backyard"? You get the idea. }:)