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FYI re: SD29

Bface's picture

I have been dealing with her entitlement issues for years. I didn't speak up until she began hurting GD with us as the weapon. I was livid! She also considers herself the most important woman in her father's life and that I must take a backseat, while she, "the queen", gets all of her financial needs met. He allowed her to move into his nice 3 BR ranch at a low rental rate when he moved in with me. She trashed the place and moved out 'cause she didn't want him telling her to maintain important things. The finished basement was full of garbage, there was a matress in the middle of the LR, soiled diapers lay in the GD's BR, and she allowed a freeloading jailbird to live with her who was also abusive. He stole things from the garage and sold them. I should have said something a long time ago...She is done f---ing up me and DH's life. I don't care if she never speaks to me again and I'm sure she has poisoned her daughter's mind against me. My husband is so strained and stressed that our quality of life suffers. If nothing changes and "blood is thicker than water", we will eventually divorce. It's a chance I have to take to get us and especially him out from under her thumb.


Bface's picture

I am so sorry for what you have been through. It's exactly why I wanted to split with DH, when he was my fiance years ago. The SC became such a burden and frankly a real turn-off. I don't have kids, and at 43 probably never will. I have nice relatives and Mom who are fun and loving. No drama with my Fam. He has very little to put up with but by personal baggage...but he takes the burden of everything that he is responsible for w/ kids on me when he gets stressed out. I;m done, done, done and prepared to let him leave or kick him out if it goes back to the same old, same old. SD is at war w/ me too. Luckily our families are not really blended in any way, so I hope it will be easier for me not to give a shit. I hope you get the distance you need from those disrespectful young women. They sound vile...just like my SD!
Take Care,