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Step talk has been a Godsend

Bface's picture

I am so glad to have found this site. It was by chance and in a time of desperation about a week ago. I have so, so much studying to do for grad school tomorrow and I would be worrying about this all day. This opportunity to vent, will hopefully limit the time I'll be thinking about this painful situation. Thanks again to everyone for your advise and support. I will return the favor...



YES!!! STEP_TALK IS A GODSEND!!!! I have been here a couple of weeks and feel so much better after being able to get everything off of my chest. Welcome to both of you and I am here if either of you need me.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Wholeheartedly agree. I have 2 XWs and a Babymomma to deal with. Yeah, I know, what kind of guy blah blah blah. But actually he's a wonderful man, and we get along like gangbusters. Part of the reason he isn't with these women is that they were crappy moms, and he and I parent exactly alike.

I get along with both of the XWs like peanut butter and jelly. One has no custody and wants little to do with SS12, but will occasionally ask for him, and he loves her, so when she asks, we always take him to see her. She's a good mom when he's there, just out of sight, out of mind, and SD12 is happy with that.

The other XW is actually probably my best girl friend. She and DH were married 4 years, had my sweet SD3.5, and agreed on nothing else. They have totally different goals, hopes, dreams, hobbies, and views. They divorced amicably. We share 50/50 custody, but BM likes to "go and do" a lot more than we do, plus I'm a WAHM, and she works outside the home, so SD3.5 stays here while her mama works when it's her parenting time. She lives about 2 blocks from our house. She dropped in yesterday for lunch after a GREAT job interview, and again today for dinner just to hang out b/c her boyfriend was working on dirt bikes and she was bored. I told her my DS11 is about to start playing basketball in a month. She asked if she could drop off a basketball goal for the boys after church tomorrow. I can totally see how some of her personality traits would make her impossible for DH to be married to, but she's great with the guy she's with now, and I totally love her. Then again, I don't live with her and that works for me!

"Babymomma" is a stain on the face of the earth. We don't agree on anything. She has NO custody of SD8. She has never worked in her life. Lives off SSI for her 2 autistic kids (2 out of 4, and I strongly suspect she has Munchousen Byproxy). She's nuttier than a fruit cake. A total jerk in every way. Went over 2 years without having contact with SD8. Truly makes me question my sanity sometimes.

I always felt like a jerk for feeling like ripping Babymomma's head of and taking a large steamer down her neck, but now I realize this is pretty common for crazy Babymommas. I'm glad I have steptalk to read. Even when Babymomma is being a nutbag, I realize at least I'm not the only one and there is hope. *sigh* 10 more years of this twat seems like an eternity.