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How many of these apply to your BMs?

MJL2010's picture


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

My girlfriends used to enjoy tanning beds. I went a few times with them and it was luxuriously fun. I loved the smell of the tanning oils and the warmth and the little fan blowing on me but I only went a handful of times. I read an article from Nicole Kidman about how she kept her skin beautiful by staying out of the sun. My friends went on to develop these hideous hairy moles that were the size of two fingers. We were coworkers. Our boss had a tanning bed in her home she loved tanning so much. Fastforward 15 years. Our former boss has skin cancer and is fighting for her life. I saw on facebook where she is putting her tanning bed up for sale. PErsonally I don't think she should pass that legacy onto anyone.

BM smokes and tans and drinks a lot. She has the stepkids tanning. At least one of them has followed in her footsteps and is smoking at 16. She and I are the same age. She's looking older than me without all the make up on.

MJL2010's picture

I was looking quite closely at the "letting go" ones.....the physical appearance ones are in my favor as well but I get relatively little pleasure out of that- it could all change in the blink of an eye. I'm sorry about your boss, NoWire. Cocktail, you sound very evolved in the whole step process. Good for you!

notasm3's picture

I for one am glad that I DID NOT listen to my parents' advice. My mother cried when I got a scholarship to a fantastic women's college way across country and did NOT want me to go. I went anyway. One of the best decisions of my life.

Maxwell09's picture

The one I think relates to BM is: regret not spending more time with the people you love

One day SS4 will get tired of being left with a babysitter so mom and boyfriend can go on another drinking night or so that mom can find a new man to play stepdad. He will eventually grow into a teen who doesn't want her around so she should be spending these young years at home with him.

Cooooookies's picture

-Spending your youth self-absorbed.

More life entire life. Would rather stay in Cyprus and work at BF's family's fish & chip shop earning minimum wage than come back here and put her nursing qualifications and MASTER'S DEGREE to good use. All in the name of not actually having to be any form of responsible parent and she can, essentially, do whatever she wants.

-Regret not spending more time with the people you love.

She had no problem dropping SSthen5 off on DH's doorstep to go chase the new wallet, I mean BF, around. Doesn't even visit her own family when she comes to England.

-Not moving on fast enough.

She left DH 10 years ago and still stalks his family and calls DH by the pet name she had for him while they were together and relives memories of stuff they did and pets they had together over 15 years ago.

It's great when your DH's ex is nutty. *eyetwitch*