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Wow! SSs6 (almost 7), especially the sensitive one, have been basically ignoring me for the last week- here's why:

MJL2010's picture

I asked DH to tell them that he has noticed that they are barely speaking to me. (I've been telling him that something was strange for a week now.) Sensitive one didn't reveal anything but the other told DH that "Mommy told us that MJL and you are being really mean to her and are taking her to court."

Court is tomorrow. She will answer to a request for an order of protection that DH filed, due to her harassing incessant texting and calling.

Amazing, that she would tell her sons about this. But if you read my last blog entry you are probably not surprised. I am sick about the fact that a mother would do this to her sons. It makes sense- that the ratio of how secure a mother is in her relationship with her children to how much she alienates, scares, and tortures said children is an inverse one. VILE!!!


imjustthemaid's picture

It's unbelievable what these mothers tell their kids. I have seen firsthand the damage it does. My exh's ex was so crazy that she told her daughter that stepmoms hit their stepkids and if I married him I would beat her and be mean. My SD was 6 at the time.
She loved me to death and called me mommy. I still love her as if she were my own.

I am no longer married to him but I still see my (ex) SD who is now 16 and she has no self esteem and if always looking for male attention and its scary. Her mother told her her entire life that daddy hates you and no one loves you but me and she is so screwed up.

I keep my BD9 so in the dark about everything and she is a well adjusted, confident, secure 9 yr old girl. She will figure out one day that her father is a mean selfish drunk but she won't find out from me thats for sure.

Auteur's picture

It happens ALL the time. Both the Behemoth (BM) and GG (biodad I live with) "confide" in their children b/c they're BOTH not mature enough to know this puts a tremendous burden on said children.

I was a single parent who experienced REAL hardship, yet I never made my children privy to adult issues or problems other than what was necessary. Other than "we can't afford that toy right now as we're on a tight budget" they were purposely kept out of the loop by me. And rightly so. Instead of saying "your boozing dad never pays CS" like a lot of these "modern" non-parents do today.

I was sick to my stomach b/c GG "confided" in the monstrous Prince Hygiene (SS at the time stb 7, now stb9) about our "fights!!!" And then he tried to get MY GROWN SON on his side during another fight we had!! I've told him hundreds of times that children (even when grown) have NO business interfering into their parent's business.

Other than taking away the car keys if an elderly parent is too incapacitated and a danger to others.