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BM's new car

MJL2010's picture

So our bankruptcy-filing, house-foreclosing, and now threatening-to-take-her-kids-out-of-the-district-they've-been-in-since-kindergarten-because-her-town-is-too-expensive-to-live-in BM has acquired a car that will really let the world know how fabulous she is:
a Mercedes GLS.
Ah, that they might see the complete paradox of her nutty behavior.


--figureditout--'s picture

I ditto what Sanecatlady says. Leasing is an easy way to get a very nice vehicle.

But...if she has filed bankruptcy and is driving a Benz, the judge will have a field day.

MJL2010's picture

What never ceases to amaze me is that SSs don't see her skewed priorities- she won't pay a bean toward their activities (sports, band, etc...) but constantly has boxes of clothes, makeup, and clothes for them on her doorstep. Sends her kids into a panic telling them that she refuses to pay to live in the school district they've attended since kindergarten, then buys this car. And they're bragging about it to DS12 and DD11.

I wonder if this purchase will affect her refusal to take them to one night of their two weekly sports practices. I imagine she'll want everyone to see her in her new "I'm someone important"-mobile.

B22S22's picture

Leasing is a cheap(er) way, but you're talking about a vehicle that starts at around $70,000 new. And when you lease a car, the price isn't what's quote on the TV because that price is for a base vehicle, no extras. If you have any extras, that ups the price of the lease. If she's so bankrupt, how did she come up with the lease downpayment? Although, most dealerships are nice enough to roll that into the cost of the lease also....

On the bright side, it's short term.