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If anyone is curious..

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BM said to SD.. "I don't know what dad and missk said to SS20 to make him stop talking to me." LOLLL. She is literally insane. I said to SD she really just does NOT get it.. SD agrees. 

SD said that she still keeps going on about me. That... she "appreciated" what I've done (aka literally raise her kids for the past almost 10 years) that I damaged her relationship with SD.

I said to SD (almost 18) that I don't know why she can't recognize her own behavior and STOP trying to degrade my character and who I am as a person.

Ahhh the land of fakebook relevance.

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It is always fascinating to me the NEED BMs still think that they are relevant in people’s lives when it comes to social media. 


SOs friend’s sons birthday is today. His wife posted a happy birthday post wishing her kid a happy birthday. Said son and SD are 3 months apart. At one point back in time BM and SOs friends wife  were friends… makes sense… considering they also lived next door.. still do…


Worlds collide

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Last Sunday (the 15th) SS21 saw BM for his Christmas… SD17.5 saw her the 16th… SS20 hasn’t spoken to her (maybe a few texts)  and hasn’t seen her his past 2 birthdays and now 2 Christmas’s. She must be going away to their out of state house. Reminder she lives 4 miles from us. 

Now… I don’t want to sound boujee or anything but I feel as you get older you should mature in certain ways etc… food being one of them… I like GOOD food. 


Nothing is safe.

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I had friends over on Sunday for a cocktail afternoon. Stopped at the liquor Sunday and got strawberry puree for strawberry  margaritas.

Never ended up making strawberry ones just regular ones. 

I open the fridge just now and notice that it's not where I left it and it's half empty. Like wtf. Seriously. It's not for strawberry f'n milk or something!!

I text SO and say whoever used it owes me $8. He responded with "I told SS21 he could use it. I'll buy you another one."

My trip with SD.

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This past weekend (Thursday-Sunday) I took SD to Miami. I've been there multiple times with friends and assumed (keyword) SD17 would enjoy it. 

While it wasn't overall terrible it wasn't really fun either... This was officially my last trip with skid/skids. We haven't taken SSs on vacation since they were 17/18. 

I think these kids just don't know how to have fun anymore... I went to the jersey shore when I was 18 with my friends family and we had a blast. Granted SD was just with me she just was boring TBH. One thing I do know how to do... it's have fun.

Classic can’t care more then bio parents.

MissK03's picture

SD17 is entering her senior of high school. She went from wanting to stay home and commuting too going to private out of state schools costing 70k a year. This is completely outside her realm and blowout occurred because I gave my two cents off the rip. 

SOs ex SIL who is an APRN is offering to tour colleges with SD. He refuses to take time off after I told him he should... his response is well she's offering....

Terrible IMO. 

Well I was semi right plus some extra.

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So as expected BM took SS21 out Friday to drink with him for his 21st. She didn't pick him up though had him drive... naturally. He met her at her dive social club she is a part of... called that... then to another bar... He was home at 9:45.

He comes in, comes right up to our room to show SO the glass mug BM got him... it's like he's 5... It's a $25 Amazon mug that you can have to customized... nothing special... 

Curious on how this will go.

MissK03's picture

So SS20 will be 21 in two weeks. Now.. SS20 and I do not speak. I'm so over him and I just think he is fake like his BM. I haven't spoken to him in months and leave the room when he enters it. He has treated me like garbage basically from the start (he was 12 when I met him) and his attitude towards me has not changed well into adulthood. We've had some major blowouts this year and I am just done. SO naturally still makes excuses for him but whatever. 

Little too late

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SD17 had her 11th lacrosse game today. BM has not attended a single game yet this year. She only attended 1 last year. 

SD mentioned yesterday that BM said she was coming to this game. Well game starts... no BM... she's always late.. game continues she never shows...

My brother, SIL and nephew (my niece too she's only 2.5 months) also attended todays game so after the game we go say hi to SD because she loves nephew. Hang out for a little bit and leave... 
