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My trip with SD.

MissK03's picture

This past weekend (Thursday-Sunday) I took SD to Miami. I've been there multiple times with friends and assumed (keyword) SD17 would enjoy it. 

While it wasn't overall terrible it wasn't really fun either... This was officially my last trip with skid/skids. We haven't taken SSs on vacation since they were 17/18. 

I think these kids just don't know how to have fun anymore... I went to the jersey shore when I was 18 with my friends family and we had a blast. Granted SD was just with me she just was boring TBH. One thing I do know how to do... it's have fun.

I wanted to chill on the beach and at the pool at the hotel. Figured we would walk around at night BSing.. I booked a high end hotel in south beach..for people that know the area... and it's basically nothing is good enough for her... not that she is complaining but is just very meh. She's never really seemed to enjoy any vacation we've taken.. all inclusive, cruises, amusement parks etc. God Forbid I ask her to take a picture. I got her to take 1 picture with me.....she must have taken 30k snap chats though...

On top of her walking 5 feet ahead of me and just being boring she was on her phone the entire time... I know it's the generation (I'm 38) but that's where I think they just don't know how to have fun anymore... SO agrees. He was done vacationing with his kids after how SD was on the cruise we went on last year. His friend's daughter was with us on the trip and it got ruined by SD too because she was stuck with her and SD didn't do anything she wanted too do... 

I don't know.. it's just sad. It's almost like the self sabotage themselves to NOT have they chose to not show happiness IMO.  SD is not introverted either so it's not like she was awkward being there. 

SO thinks she has some of BM genes with that stuff.. I have no idea what to think... 

I am constantly at a lose lose. My childhood consisted of no trips, my father was a addict (my parents divorced when I was around7) my mom "took care of us" but never did anything with me.. we never had a real relationship and I've been estranged from her for 16 years basically when she fell off the wagon with her mental health and never came back from it. So I have gone above and beyond to harbor a relationship with SD because I know how it feels to not have a relationship with your BM.. granted my situation is very different then what SD has dealt with.. it just not worth it anymore for me.

I don't think she's doing it on purpose it's just who she is... and I am not spending anymore money on expensive trips just for her to be like meh it wasn't fun.. or it was ok... 

It's the reality.



CLove's picture

When SD18 was SD15 I had us three go on a trip south and booked a fun thing while husband was fishing. She was on her phone or pad the entire drive down and up and then while in the hotel room overlooking the ocean. She did go boogie boarding with us. And she did walk 5 steps ahead of me to husband. It so UNFUN, I cant even describe it

I have not nor do I ever intend to take a trip with her ever again. Local fun stuff with me stopped also. Not that she isnt having a GLORIOUS time with her friend "group", tripping around while I work. She guides them to places I used to take her, because they were fun places. I too love the beach! Take me!!!

MissK03's picture

Our relationships with our SDs are different but we both had the same goal... at 15 some behavior is predictable... but now at 17.5 I thought she would be growing out the moodiness. She hasn't though. 

SD has taken liking to the beach because that's something I created for her. Every week in the summer (in 'New England and an hour 15 minutes from the ocean.. I don't consider Long Island sound ocean haha) we would go the beach on our day off... bring her and her friends.. so you'd think beach vacation she would I said everything is just meh. Not sure why I expected different from her this year compared to previous years. 

Little Type Amy's picture

Not to be a Debby Downer, but I I know how you feel. I got to the point where I am like dont ask me what I'd rather do to get out of taking my SD anywhere especially on a trip ever again.Just  NO.  thats how much of a disaster it turned out to be last time I did. I had to take MYSELF on an extended vacation just to recover and try to get my mind right.  Just left DH and SD at home. No lie. Honestly, I feel there is no need to be obligated to take that on now that SD is almost 30. She is beyond old enough to figure that out for herself and for her own family that she created. If Daddyyyyyy wants to fund that and feel responsible for his overgrown toddler of a daughter , then he can provide all he wants on his own dime and own time. .  Just dont think about asking me for diddly squat. 

Rags's picture

And... a new mate should not be asked to provide a single Cent o the marriage when the other mate has burdened the new marriage with kidult baggage beyond measure.. Daddy can man up and support his marriage, his wife, and his home.  If he has the resources to support his kidult, he should have to provide every thing for his marriage. The same applies to a her who brings the same situation to the new marriage.

DW and I have always maintained that any income is marital income. I had no problem being the sole income while DW was a SAHM even when the CS from the Spermidiot was a pittance ($133/mo).  Once she went to work, finished her undergrad, and started her professional career it was all marital income.  Had she been the NCP instead of the CP, things no doubt would have been far more difficult to navigate.

We partnered to build the life and resources that we have. We raised SS-32 to be a self supporting adult and man of honor, character, and standing in his life, profession, and community.  He has never asked us for a cent.  If he did, we would consider it ... if.... he was in a situation not a creation of his own.


JRI's picture

In my opinion, any vacation with kids, bio or step, at any age, doesn't work well.  We all have that fantasy but my experience says no.  I went to Europe with my mom - not great, we have different tastes.  I went to a ski resort with my grown bios and their kids - I was nervous the whole time thinking they couldnt afford the $ they were spending and not enjoying some of the activities.  My mom went to Alaska with my adult brother and sister - my sister said it was hell.   I'm not even discussing the trips with the steps - horrible.

I've come to the conclusion the we are better off vacationing with compatible friends.

MissK03's picture

I said to SO him and I have the exact same taste of adventure and what we like to do. The only thing we can agree on haha. 

ESMOD's picture

The great thing about being adults is we get to have some choice in how we spend our time and money.  I vote for doing things that are either legally required.. or give you joy.  

I have enjoyed traveling very much with my YSD.. as a child she was a good traveler.. and even as an adult.. we have done trips on our own.. just the two of us.  She's married now.. so it's not as frequent.. but I would not hesitate.

OSD? nope.. she is a vibe sponge.. she sucks the joy out of me honestly.. she is a generally unhappy and "unimpressed" person.. so her? no.. no family vacations.. if we ever did anything.. it would have to be something like a cruise where she and her family had their own room far away from us so we could visit" but not be up each other's hind end.

MissK03's picture

Yeah I just don't understand it. I said to her at one point like ok SD you can laugh it's ok.. SS19 likes to have fun and is a happy person. I'd have no problem going on vacation with him. 

Felicity0224's picture

I don't blame you for not traveling with her anymore. You can take what you'd put towards her expenses and use it for something on a trip that you'll enjoy (probably enjoy more without her being there too). It is sad that she won't allow herself to show excitement over anything. Do you think there's some depression at play? I can't imagine a girl that age not enjoying at least something about south beach. So weird. 

My SDs went through moody, nothing could impress them, generally annoying phases around the ages 13-15. I feel like that's kind of predictable teen behavior. So we took a hiatus from traveling with them for a while. But before that and since then, they've always been enthusiastic and pleasant travel companions. In the last 8 months I've gone on separate week long trips with both of them and had a great time. 

I also travel a ton with my DD10 and rarely do we make the trips 'little kid' centric. Thus far, she's always been a delight. Even stuff she doesn't love (art museums), she won't complain, sulk, or try to rush me. I don't know if this is just her natural temperament, or if it's because I started her young and she knows that we're gonna do what we're gonna do, whether she's happy about it or not. I hope and pray she remains this pleasant, but I do kind of dread the teen years. 

MissK03's picture

Honestly it just seems who she is... I met her at 8 and she was like this too. I have had fun with SD at times but everything.. like you said.. she is just never impressed. That's a perfect way to put it. I don't think she is depressed or anything it's just nothing ever seems to be "fun" enough. We were in the water and I said how perfect the water was etc... and she responds with "yeah." Nothing more... I'm not looking for like this huge excited behavior though.. just something more.. and I feel at her age she should be at different level.

She doesn't seem particular this way with her friends but for me I'm just over the vibe killing...

I took her to the Versace house for dinner our last night... could have cared less... complained she didn't feel good and sat in the hotel the rest of the night.. I have no idea why I didnt go get a drink by myself. We had to get up early anyways but... yeah that's what I was dealing with.. 


thinkthrice's picture

Are never happy and unpleasable.  And then there are the "unfair" crowd who couldn't be grateful for what they have if they were granted the entire world's riches.   

They disguise themselves as "caring for others" when in fact they are envious of others and secretly desire for them to be as miserable as they are.

Rags's picture

THe lesson I got from your post and this thread is "Don't risk your bliss on those who are not worthy and do not earn a place doing fun things with you."

When he was younger, SS was a blast to do stuff with.  As he got into his brooding teen years, not so much.  So, we did what we wanted, he came with us, and his mom and I had a blast whether he was having fun or not.  He could walk behind us moping all he wanted if that is what he chose. We were going to enjoy it. His enjoyment or misery was entirely on him.  He knew better than to try to move is woe is me Eyore syndrome bullshit to the front.  

When we did our last vacation prior to his launching, he was mopey and silent for about 1K miles of a 3K mile road trip that incuded a number of stops at beautiful national parks and resorts.  He participated minimally though he did show inclings of enjoying it. Until we got to the N rim of the Grand Canyon.  Utter moping silence until we got to the edge of the canyon at the N Rim lodge.  "WOW!"  After that he started to get engaged with enjoying the trip. 

He was stressed on many levels. He had graduated from HS, under a cloud 3mos before. We had just moved at the beginning of the summer and were living in an extended stay suite hotel, we had picked him up from his last SpermClan visitation under the CO. He had asked to extend that visitation to include his 18th Bday.  We had decided that we needed to pick him up in person from his final visitation to minimize the risk of him telling us he was not coming home and was staying in SpermLand with the SpermClan.

We have taken several vacations together with SS since he launched 14+ years ago.  He is a joy on trips after launching though there is still some morose periods even now.

Do not risk your bliss!  If they are old enough to be left home or dump on the X, go and enyoy yourselves leaving them to wallow in their misery.

Keep it simple.