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MarriedaBallessWonder's Blog

I've Spent My Mother's Day being Bombarded with Hateful Texts and Phone Calls from Horseface BM

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Happy Mother's Day Horseface. You greedy, insane bitch.

She started the day by texting DH that she wants $500 a month more for CS during the summer because OSS is home from college and YSS wants a new wardrobe.

I told my DH to tell her no, that is what CS is for - and to my amazement he did (yaay DH). Then, as expected she's been having a meltdown all day texting and texting and calling and calling.

Of course she starts off with insults to DH being a terrible father and then goes on and on about what a terrible SM and person I am.

What a miserable day.

Things You Used to Enjoy - But No Longer Can - Due to Skids or DH

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Sometimes I get really down because things that were the most important to me or that I deeply have been stripped away because of thoughtless, lazy skids.

1. I enjoy (and used to take immense pride) in having a beautifully decorated, spotless house. I am in interior design and keeping a beautiful house is important to me. I always have (until the past 7-8 years) had a stunning home. I am known for my artistic, elegant designs.

In 4 Weeks I'm FREE!!!!

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In 4 weeks we are moving 1,200 miles away. YSS17 has to stay here with horsefaced BM to finish school!

The stepshits may come out for a summer visit but it will only be for a few weeks!

OSS is in college.

I can't believe it! After 11 years of BM and skid hell I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I bet BM is going to get greedy with CS. But she has a job for the first time in 19 years so she can't get as much. Baa haa haa!

Forsaking all Others - This article may change your life

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I think this article needs to be reposted because it is so helpful to stepparents.

Sometimes the flash ads make it hard to get to the article, so I'm going to take the liberty to post it here.

The Man in the Middle

Why I Effing Hate Christmas and Summer Break

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

1. Skids stay up all night long eating every thing in sight and turning on every light in the house and even taking showers after 12:00 am Sad

2. They sleep until 5:30 pm, so dinner is breakfast.

3. Their stinking filthy messes

4. Every time I look at them they are laying down like an invalid.

5. They never leave because they have 0 friends in real life.

Am I Being a Complete Asshole About the Xmas Tree

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My DH and I have been extremely busy Nov. and Dec. We are facing a cross country move. I have a new boutique I am running and was trying to get last minute orders out before we took TWO vacations a week apart. We went to Disney World and then a week later we went to Cancun. We just got back last Sat. night.

I tried to be prepared for Xmas because I knew we would only have 10 days from the time we got home until Xmas. I spent all of Nov. getting presents made or bought and shipped to his family and my family who live out of State before we left.

Interesting Discussion with our Lawyer Yesterday - You CAN Make BM Repay you for $$ if she is Abusing the Child Sharing Time.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Long story short. We met with out attorney yesterday regarding time and other issues. Our BM has taken advantage of us in all ways, time, money, etc. We are supposed to have them 50/50 but she always dumps them off on us for one reason or another and so for the past 8 years or so its been us 90% of the time and her 10%. Yet she still was receiving the full amount of child support.

Our new lawyer has been very successful is litigating the abused time and has had the BM have to PAY BACK the child support based on time! I thought I was dreaming when I heard him say that LOL!

Holy Crap - Here is an article about wanting to raise the age of adulthood from 18 to 25.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

If this is true or happens in the next few years I will leave my DH to spare my own sanity. I can't bare 9 more years. I've already barely made it 10 and I'm counting the days until youngest Stepshit turns 18 (2 months, and 1 year :P)

When Gold Digging Doesn't Pan Out

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So Horseface BM is a gold digging Golden Uterus. (ref golden uterus

Little background. She was 28 when she married my husband and she was a data entry clerk. He is 10 years older and works in the works in the oil industry and does very well.

Anyway, she quit working when she married him and popped out two golden eggs (meal tickets).
