In 4 Weeks I'm FREE!!!!
In 4 weeks we are moving 1,200 miles away. YSS17 has to stay here with horsefaced BM to finish school!
The stepshits may come out for a summer visit but it will only be for a few weeks!
OSS is in college.
I can't believe it! After 11 years of BM and skid hell I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I bet BM is going to get greedy with CS. But she has a job for the first time in 19 years so she can't get as much. Baa haa haa!
And listen to this. All of BM's bad karma has come back to bite her in her ass. She did whatever she could not to work. Now she HAS to because the husband she was gold-digging with lost his job 6 months ago. He is an older fella so he is having a tough time finding a new one. She never wanted the kids around so she dumped them on us sometimes for 6 weeks at a time and now she is stuck with them full time! Baaa haaa haaaaa!
And I get the house of my dreams, FREEDOM and a life of leisure! WOOO HOOOOO! We also just bought the car of my dreams and BM pulled up right behind me the other day as I was pulling into our driveway. She called DH and had a cow! LOL! Fuck you BM. It's none of your damn business. You can suck it!
- MarriedaBallessWonder's blog
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Sweet, sweet freedom!
Sweet, sweet freedom! Congrats Imarried.
I'm positively GIDDY! I've
I'm positively GIDDY! I've earned every moment of FREEDOM the hard way.
Congrats!!! You are so lucky.
Congrats!!! You are so lucky. there is 4 more years to go with us. Wish it could be shorter. I hope hubby stick to his guns when he said he was going to tell BM off with the last check. If we even last that long. So tired of this hell.
DH and I have only 6 more
DH and I have only 6 more years til skid is 18 and hopefully he won't go to college so we can be done giving BM 920.00 a month to spend on HERSELF!
DH and I plan to celebrate BIG once he gives BM her last upkeep check...he said I can get a luxury car if I want one.
I just can't wait for the money that should be in OUR pockets to actually BE in OUR pockets!!!! 
For real. I know that feeling
For real. I know that feeling about the money. We were doing pretty good when he got his raise. We had 8 months of not lagging on bills or rolling one over, was able to eat decent food at home for once, was able to buy some extra's when we need them, like something for the garden, something for the bike, something for the kitchen, and was able to go out and have date night on the town to a movie and eat out twice a month but she has taken him back to court to have the child support upped an extra $300 and we are back too barely paying the bills, date night is off the tables now we can't even afford to go to the movies, and we had to roll the natural gas bill over and split the water bill payment into two payments this month. We had to drop the insurance on my bike for right now and I am late with the inspection sticker on the car. while little ms bitch can run across the state with her daughters cheerleading team and eat out at big fine restaurants every night. We are barely keeping food on the table. Every now and then I give plasma to cover some our grocery bill. It also keeps us for doing anything extra for the girls which I am sure she is super thrilled...