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luchay's Blog

Have spent the weekend speechless,

luchay's picture

scratching my head in wonder (shock, amazement and not in a good way) and gobsmacked really.

SD is 12. She is a very large 12. As in obese. Ok so she wants to wear all the latest skimpy teen fashions, surely this is where a good mother would be advising, teaching, laying down some freakin laws perhaps about what is appropriate for a large 12 year old to wear. (don't get me wrong, I don't think the skinny 12 year olds should dress like sluts either but it's somehow worse on an obese one)

Had to laugh last night...

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First, OH and I have been having some huge issues lately, so we had massive talks last Friday night - and have worked out a few things.

Had his kids Friday night and part of Saturday, my kids have been at their dads since last Friday. We were due to have his kids for a few hours Thursday evening, then all weekend from this afternoon, my kids get back tomorrow.

So Weds was our last night of kidlessness.

Not sure if it's over, but am trying one last thing.

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Ok, so here goes.
Please read my last two blogs for the latest updates on what has been happening and my reason for doing this.

What I am about to do - I really need your help ST community.

I just cannot seem to get through to OH, I am out of words, at a loss and just hurt and saddened beyond anything I imagined I could ever be feeling with this man.

So I will put it all out there, the good the bad and the ugly so to speak,

Am I wrong? Seriously, I am so confused

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Ok, a bit of background.

We are SUPPOSED to have OH's kids every Thursday (was Weds) and EOWE.

Only since mid December we've had them every weekend except two. Not all weekend every time, but sometimes all w/end, and sometimes just a day and night. Enough that we haven't had a lot of couple time.

So, 2 weeks ago yet again, BM asked OH to have them as she's stuck for a babysitter and had to work. baby sitter pulled out at the last minute I was told.

Have Had enough, I just want to cry.

luchay's picture

Haven't posted for a while.

Lots of the usual crap, good and mostly bad.

Again tonight is skids night. I have worked so hard today, cleaned 3 houses from top to bottom and feel wiped out. Also was feeling that achey lower back feeling, weepy, tummy started hurting, and then - there it is - blood.

Only my last period only fucking finished last Saturday. So I am pissed off and upset and worried.

Funniest thing happened last week - wish I could have seen BM's face!

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OH and BM have FINALLY sold the house, settled at the beginning of last week. She screwed him over in the settlement, making up all sorts of bogus expenses etc totalling $12000. He took it, just to be rid of her. Whatever.

Two days after settlement she calls him up - literally spitting she was so angry (LMAO) He couldn't make head nor tail of what her problem was but she called him everything under the sun, "c" words, F this and that, and "You're in SO much trouble, you'll go to jail for this" etc etc on and on.

LMAO at BM tonight

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Just had to share, made me laugh anyway!

SO and BM have (finally) sold the marital home - been a while coming as she kept messing about and was causing problems with the original agent etc.

Settlement is the 2nd July (yay)

She is away this weekend so SO decided it would be a good time to go and tidy the garden and clean out the shed and garage etc.

He gets there after work today to make a start and she has left him a massive list of things he has to do (whatever!)

And right at the top of the list is that "luchay is NOT allowed in the house"
