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Can't wait to see how much detention he gets next year....

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BS14 is SO lazy, it's unbelievable. Here was supposed to be in school 5 minutes ago but he'll be late today. He has to do a presentation in his math research class, he's known about it since last September. He had to do the same thing last year, and if I remember correctly he screwed that up too. So, here DD and I sit and wait for him to do his flash cards, he has this class second period, not really sure when that starts but I'm sure he'll be late----again.

Tomorrow is the Gyno appointment

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So, tomorrow SD and I have her gyno appointment for the BC. I told her I will stay with her if she wants or not, whatever she wants. We also spoke and agreed she is going to get the shots since she knows she isn't responsible enough to remember. I am proud of her that she realizes this. DH doesn't want to go to appointment nor do I think he should, I think SD would be embarrassed. I am glad that we will be able to do this together. She didn't tell her BM, and both DH and I told her she doesn't have too, that troll makes SD crazy.

As a BM...

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I know BM's get a lot of crap on here about clothes for the kids but as a BM myself, I do not like sending my kids in nice clothes to their father. My DD just came home wearing a brand new shirt I bought for her that she wore yesterday to her father, I put out different clothes but she put on what she wanted. Anyway, she just came home with a huge stain on her shirt.....

O/T I need a hobby

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I find that all I do is eat, and not anything good. Cookies, chips, cookies again, and it just makes me feel sick. I have no self control! This morning I actually thought to myself after I dropped DD off at school, what can I go home and eat, then I yelled at myself in my head, went home and had a cookie. Sad

SD infecting everyone else

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So, SD16 still has that herpes outbreak, she is not responsible enough to remember to take her medicine so it seems to never go away. Last night at dinner, I was so glad myself and my BKids were done eating because SD took the serving spoon of mashed potatoes and then used her fork to get the potatoes off her spoon. :jawdrop: UGH, does she not think? I said SD, you are defeating the purpose of the spoon, now, nobody else can eat those potatoes because you used your fork and you are now spreading your germs and you have those sores.

How do I tell DH?

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I'm annoyed with DH. On Sunday, he went out with his loser friend, they went down to the beach. They hung out and got drunk, so then DH drove home drunk. Instead of driving this guy home, he brought him back to our town and they went to a bar. Then the guy some how broke his leg, DH took him to the ER and the guy needed surgery. Whatever that was about, I'm not real sure, but this guy has no medical insurance so now in the back of my mind I'm worried we're going to get sued, although I know there's no case. Anyway, I'm just so annoyed with DH for drinking and driving.
