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Why oh why is BS14 so immature???

LPS's picture

He is getting on my last nerve. 14 years old and acts like a flipping 9 year old. DD8 is more mature then her brother. Sad


ThatGirl's picture

SS14 is super immature, as well. I always figured it was because he had three older siblings, the closest being 5 years senior. He seemed to be babied compared to the others, but that's not the case in your situation?

knucklehead's picture

Haha, I read your title, and thought, "Because he's 14!!" I have one right now, too. I feel ya. Wink

LilyBelle's picture

I read somewhere that at age 13, kids revert back to a three year old mind.

I think in some ways it's true.

For most kids, it gets better around age 16.

Lots of physical labor is good for boys at this age.... it gives them an outlet for their frustration, and also builds their muscles and their confidence. Can you find him a job on a farm? or in a warehouse? Or digging a garden in your yard? But this suggestion can't come from you.... his dad needs to step in and get him doing lots of physical stuff.

ThatGirl's picture

*bwahahahahaha* this kid can't even manage to bring in a trash can when he walks right past it after school!