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be mad, too bad

LPS's picture

DH hasn't been able to drive bc he's been getting dizzy spells, so I have been driving everywhere for almost 3 weeks now. Today, I just feel like sitting and doing nothing and SD wants to go to her BF 5 towns away and I dont feel like taking her there and then picking her up, she was there yesterday and I didn't get her until almost 9pm. I told DH I dont want to take her and she has to do something around here, he said SD shouldn't have to suffer because he cant drive, too bad, I'm not doing it. I dont care if he's mad either.


LizzieA's picture

He's got it backwards--why should YOU suffer because he can't drive? Talk about misplaced priorities....what are you the slave? And why can't BF or his family come get her?

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Seriously, guilty dads are the worst. Heaven forbid the precious little darling doesn't get each and every last little thing that she wants! *gasp*