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justwantpeace's Blog

Only a couple weeks left of summer

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We are down to only a couple of weeks left with ss's. I still don't want them to go. Dh says he is going to talk to BM to see if we can keep them a couple of additional weeks, but I already know what the answer is going to be. But hey, if Dh is going to take the step and call to ask her, kudos to him. I am so proud. This also means, I only have a couple of weeks to plan 4 birthday parties and a late 4th of July celebration as we didn't have any money to get fireworks on the 4th.

BM interrogating SS's over the phone

justwantpeace's picture

Ok, so we have had ss's for a month now, BM FINALLY calls yesterday to check on them. From what I could gather from ss's end of the conversation, she is interrogating them. She wants to know every little detail. What did they eat for dinner, where have they gone, what have they done. How many fireworks did they have on the 4th. WTH???? She doesn't call for a month and then does this. It makes me so mad. And then, SS replies with things like, "I haven't eaten yet" It was 10:00 pm and he had eaten a few hours before.

Summer visitation is tooooo short for me!!!!

justwantpeace's picture

We picked up my SS's on June 18 and we have had the best summer ever!!! We are supposed to take them back to BM by August 15 and it just seems too short of a time. I don't want them to go. I love these boys and they have a crappy life at home. We spend so much quality family time together when they are with us. We don't have money to do fancy, expensive things, instead we go camping, ride 4-wheelers, play games, have movies nights at home, basically all the things that they never get at home.

BM, SSons and summer visitation

justwantpeace's picture

Well, we made the trip across the united states to get my ss's for summer visitation and we are now home. All went relativly well with BM, except that she tried to give us directions to get out of town quicker and she wrote them ass backwards and she didn't even help the boys pack their suitcases. The boys, 11 and 9 packed all by themselves, which amounted to them having 47 pairs of underwear, 3 pair of shorts and 4 shirts for all summer, no pants, sweatshirts or anything. What is her deal? Not really a big deal anyways, we always have stuff for them here.

Summer Visitation

justwantpeace's picture

Well, this year summer visitation wasn't such a bad thing to plan. Usually it involves a lot of bickering between BM and myself. We have chosen to drive across the states to pick up ss's. This is only possible due to the fact that I filed injured spouse on the taxes this year. But, being nosy little me, I noticed on BM's myspace that she is "enjoying her new bedroom suite", keep in mind this has conveniently happened after she received over $3,000.00 in back child support from our taxes. How about child support not being used for the kids!!!

Message on my machine from ss9....

justwantpeace's picture

I checked all my voice mail messages the other night and I received the sweetest message from ss9 that made me cry like a little girl. He said, " Hi justwantpeace, I love you. This is ss9. I just wanted to call and talk to you. I love you and miss you." They have never called just to talk to ME. I get to talk to them when DH has called them, but to just call for me, that was the perfect end to a crappy day. My heart just melted. My ss's truly do love me. So I called back and BM's machine picked up, so I left a message. "Hey ss9, this is justwantpeace.

Sort of off topic, but need prayer please

justwantpeace's picture

We are awaiting some news that will take care of a lot of issues, of course dealing with money. This news, should it come back positive, will allow us to pay off all back child support and offer some financial freedom from all the stresses associated with the lack of finances. I can't get into specifics, in case BM knows I am on here, but I am asking those of you that believe in prayer, to please pray for my family and that we get the news we are so desperate for. I am trying not to get excited, but we need this SO bad.

What would you think of this???

justwantpeace's picture

BM called the other day, our friend answered the phone, she though it was DH and proceeds to tell him that SS11 is in trouble, then puts SS11 on the phone. This is the only time she calls or has the kids call, not for DH birthday, christmas, whatever. ONLY when SS's are in trouble. SS11 got angry because his brother pulled him out of a chair or something like that and SS11 told him to "go f#$k your dog in the a$$" Of course, I don't talk to SS11 about this, but my initial thought is, where is he learning to talk like that?? He doesn't get it from us, the one time a year we see them.


justwantpeace's picture

I can't find a post as to where it is exactly. I live in kentucky. Am I close??? I would love to consider attending, it would be awesome. I just don't know where it is going to be. Any info would be wonderful. Thanks a bunch.
