Summer Visitation
Well, this year summer visitation wasn't such a bad thing to plan. Usually it involves a lot of bickering between BM and myself. We have chosen to drive across the states to pick up ss's. This is only possible due to the fact that I filed injured spouse on the taxes this year. But, being nosy little me, I noticed on BM's myspace that she is "enjoying her new bedroom suite", keep in mind this has conveniently happened after she received over $3,000.00 in back child support from our taxes. How about child support not being used for the kids!!! I hope she enjoys her empty bed and bedroom suite while she complains that she can't get ss counseling for his anger and fighting problems, but it seems she would rather send him to boot camp as she has told my DH, which we have recorded just in case we need it. Sorry, I am rambling now, but so much is going on in my head and it is all just coming out at once. I just can't wait to get this trip started, I will get to see all of my family and friends back home as well and we are going to try to find a beach to hit once we have all the boys together. We are going to have a great time!!!
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