HeatherM's Blog
Thank God the week is over
It's been your typical week, not really a special week...but for some reason I was ultra-annoyed...
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It's really all about the Laundry
This I think is one area that just sets me off! I have a lot of laundry in my household... not to mention the drycleaning... I have a teenager, an 8 year old ss, and a baby...plus my DH who is a carpenter and has tons of laundry... Ok... so why is it the 8 yr old has more laundry than everyone put together?!?!.. well... it's because he's constantly peeing his bed, and himself...whatev...
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Things have been pretty good
Which is why I haven't blogged in a while... My ss8 has been going to counselling, so he's been a pretty happy kid lately which is great. I am soo irritated today though, and it's mostly with my DH...but whatever... My ss8 is getting so fat. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. I wish that I could be his mother and help him out! All this kid talks about is food and movies... it irritates me so much because I know if it was my kid, I could do something about it.
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One week down, 3000 weeks to go! : )
Just a particularly annoying week with SS8. And knowing that I have committed to this for the rest of my life makes me shudder sometimes.
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Tough Week
SS is with us this week, that makes it tough all in itself... but my god! Ok, so since SS8 started counselling, my DH has turned into Disney Dad. I can hardly stand it. He seems to have forgotten his son's name, and only calls him "Buddy", he gives him options like "Well, if you're not interested in dinner, you can go play", I ask "Buddy" questions, and DH answers all of them for him while SS8 just stares at me.. no sorry lears at me. He pee's the bed (but doesn't pee the bed at his Mom's anymore) and all I hear is great job taking the sheets off your bed buddy wuddy.
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It amazes me
How another woman in an entirely different household can run my schedule. I know I've talked about this before... but here I go again. I have a high level job. I juggle my schedule as best I can. Appointments are usually done at night, and when I have some for the kids I 'work from my home' etc so I can accomodate them. The travelling that I'm sometimes required to do is done when it seems most convenient, and then you know I try to fit 'me' time in there somewhere, but not always successfully. My day usually starts at 5am and I don't sit down again until 9pm...anyways...
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First counselling session last night
The counsellor met my DH and BM before she meets my SS later in the month... so anyways, sounds like it went good, but then DH comes home and says "Guess what, the counsellor told me that I didn't sound like I was good at co-parenting. That I always stuck up for my son, that we should be a united front so that he knows what his place is in the family yadda yadda... HELLO?!?! I've been saying that for 5 years!
Frick Men... I tell you
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I had to laugh a little
I was out last night with some of the girls in my office, most of them are younger than I am... still enjoying their lives of singledom etc... I'm their bosses boss, so often times they don't open up to me, but after a few glasses of vino...they opened up.. and wow! I guess it's generation Y or something, but a lot of them do not want kids.. Hey I get this.. I understand this 100%, but then they say... that their plan is to marry a man with a child already, then they don't have to have one!!!!! I almost fell off my chair... !
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Finally some counselling...
But WAIT... did I hear that right? BM is too busy to go???? Are you friggen kidding me?
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He's Baaacccckkk !
So I just had a month away from seeing my stepson while he was vacationing with his Mother then my MIL. I should have probably missed him, but I didn't not even a little bit... I returned from vacation on Monday, and so did he. He is technically supposed to be at his Moms this week, but of course she is away on business. His Grandmother, my MIL stayed with us a few days (Just left today)... holy smokes, he is such a big baby! He causes me so much stress and I don't even know why! First of all, when he's with his grandparents they treat him like an infant...
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