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HeatherM's Blog

I told you so... hee hee

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Sometimes it is soo hard not to gloat. There are so many instances where I secretly giggle to myself.. ahh those are fun times. :). For instance while my son struggled with his report card, DH would brag about SS's report card.. and I would always say, BS's report card was also great in Kindergarten, GR1,2, etc.. it's when they actually have to start doing work! So anyways... here we are..BS is now in Grade 9 and getting awesome grades (did I brag?? Oh yes I did)... whilst SS 8.5 is now in Grade 3 and getting "NI" Needs Improvement on most things... lol


HeatherM's picture

The last few weeks with my SS 9 has been hell. He's been lying, stealing food (we've now locked the pantry and the fridge), peeing his pants all the time, non-empathetic about everything, etc etc.. what else is new... now however his parents have decided that because he does so many 'bad' things all the time, they are going to praise him for the good things. Sounds reasonable.. however they are over praising everything... "Thank you for saying please", "Thank you for wiping you bum", "Thank you for not stealing food", "Thank you for doing your homework", etc etc etc.

Childhood Obesity and other things...

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Anyways...My stepson is Obese. His parents think it's cute... well not cute...but they don't seem fact they think it's just his Gene's. Mom and Dad are 'bigger' people, but not obese, and not obese as kids. This kid is obsessed with food. Counsellor says there are no issues, he just likes food... and I can see that... Anyways... I'm pissed because we've resorted to locking our fridge and pantry. It's such a huge pain! This came about after I bought oreos and whipped cream (I was making cheesecake for our Canadian thanksgiving)...

Alienating your Child

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I know that 'taste' is 'taste'..and that we all have different opinions, but I struggle with this. So, my SS 8.5 is not a popular kid, not that he needs to be...but he's not, and given his personality would probably like to be. He is chastized because he's Angel overweight (b) Has warts on his hands (c) Has buck teeth (d) Doesn't want to participate in any of the games the boys are playing at recess, etc etc.

Wondering What you think...

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So my cousin, who's a cop..and should have great radar...but doesn't... is dating this guy. He's fairly new... I think they've been dating 2 months. His ex-wife (well not actually ex wife yet) and son moved far away... he flew in a few days ago to see his son, and because the airport is 12 hours away from where they are (kid and ex) they have decided to meet in the middle at a remote cabin his parents own. They will be staying there together for a week.

Slightly annoyed

HeatherM's picture

So my BS 13.5 has been a part of Army cadets for 2 years now. I'm very proud of this child of mine. He went from having no confidence, being afraid to take risks, to this whole different person... in the community. Since he was 3 years old he said he wanted to be in the army. His father (my ex) and I both thought it was a passing fancy..but alas it wasn't...

My DH (current one) thinks that cadets is stupid. Why would I want my child to go to war? Why would I support this? etc etc... moronic things..

Ah well

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Just going about my day, doing some laundry, enjoying the day...trip to the waterpark, steaks marinating for a BBQ, Movie with hubby later....then phone rings.. ss8 wants to come over early... it's amazing how that one little thing changes my entire moood... I thought I had one more day to not feel alientated and used in my own home... I guess I'm wrong.

Family Vacation

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So last night DH say's he wants to cancel our family vacation because of the recent issues with SS8.5 ... I told him it wasn't fair... I was looking forward to it, it would be great for our daughter, and my BS was really looking forward to it .. so why should we ALL suffer if it was SS who was the liar?

I was surprised... but he agreed.. he's considering not bringing him... which is not what I want...because despite my 'anger' blogs I'm a bit of a softie sometimes.. but if that is what he decides..then so be it.
