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bm is preggo

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haha just found out bm is preggo (so are her 2 sisters, WEIRD they are all due a few months apart too) AHAHAHAAHAH i find that so funny since she just got with this new bf like 2 months ago! how pathetic. he has 2 other kids also, so shes a 'step mom' as well; but that hasnt made her any nicer to me. her bf's BM must not be a b*tch. I wonder how sd is going to take it. I guess more leeching off the govt for bm, no way is her a** gonna get a job now that she will have a newborn. but then she will be even more trying to leech off dh too!

kinda o/t How do you and your dh/bf/dw/gf handle $$ in the household?

happymostly's picture

My dh and I (got married this past May) have a joint checking account, but we each have our own separate accounts as well. My paychecks get direct deposited in my own separate acct. My dh lost his job 3 weeks ago (but his employer still owes him $$, so we are not struggling yet as he is still getting checks) so this is kinda irrelevant now, but before, we each pay our own bills with our $$ (we made about the same) and then we would put our $ together to buy groceries and pay common bills (i.e. electricity & cable)

Question for those who deal with 'psycho' BMs

happymostly's picture

WHY do you think they are crazy?

I recently read a blog that wasn't really about this topic, but a lot of the comments got on the subject about WHY some BMs are crazy. Someone said it was because the BM still wanted something from their exes. (whether it be $$, revenge/cant get over anything, or to just be back together) I think this is true.

do your Skids/Bios do this?

happymostly's picture

sd is 6 (almost seven in a month & a half) & im never really been around kids so much so I dont know if this is just a kid thing or if its because she has adhd. She is on meds for it as well. sd is constantly changing her mind about activities she wants to do, like she will want to watch a movie for a few minutes and then change her mind and want to color in her coloring book and then want to do something else 5 minutes later.

she signed the paperwork yay

happymostly's picture

well bm signed the paperwork this morning, so its not official till both the lawyers sign it and they have a final court date, but its coming up soon! when dh went to take back sd to bm and take them to a notary, dh noticed that bm had a hickey on her neck eww. and they went to sd's school to get her lunch schedule and meet her teachers. i bet the teachers thought he gave that to bm ugh i hope not! lol. Im just soo glad that the paperwork is signed now. Not sure how this is going to effect things with bm's new bf or FWB, or whatever he is.
