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Dontfeedthetrolls's Blog

Seatbelt issue

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It’s been made aware to us recently that BM is transporting the children in a car that doesn’t have enough seatbelts for everyone in it. Not only are we being told this but we actually found photo evidence.

Apparently she and a friend pick up their children together so at least 4 or more children are being stuffed into the back seat. BM has a vehicle of her own but we know for a she doesn’t have registration on it and most likely no insurance. We've seen the car and the tempoary tag you get after buying it is long past expired.  

Rant-Kids back from MotY

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BM is was supposed to have the kids this coming weekend for her mid 6 week summer visit but because of her work schedule SO agreed to change it so we just got them back tonight.


Well apparently MotY has a new guy because she couldn't be bothered to actually spend the day with them and decided to drop them on Grandpa. Either that or she just didn't want to be a parent when it keeps her from partying it up with friends.


Kids tell it all

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So we found out how BM is paying for the house she and the kids live in..... She's not. 

We were driving and the kids saw a homeless person sleeping under the overpass. We explained he didn't have a home and the youngest started saying they were moving in with grandpa. He added that mom didn't pay for the house they are in. BM has already told SO she and the kids would be at grandpa's through summer which started us wondering.

refuses to buy right size

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BM REFUSES to get the children proper fitting clothing. I swear she’ll get small stuff just to spite my partner sometimes.

This weekend we noticed that the little ones feet and toe nails are curling. We’ve had repeated issues with her sending the children in shoes that were too small and if my partner tries to say anything she goes ballistic. We’ve tried giving her better fitting shoes in the past only to have her send the child back in what appeared to be brand new shoes that were even smaller than the last pair. Don’t you dare throw away her stuff because that will bring hell.

This weekend

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BM is throwing a fit again.

She’s pissed off that SO won’t give up this weekend. Turns out she “forgot” that she has family coming to visit her. I’m not saying she’s lying but every other time this has happened her father has called SO also about it and he hasn’t yet so that’s a bit odd.

Let’s also add that we have plans this weekend. We’ve had plans for this weekend since last year. I’ve had plans for this weekend every year for the past 5 years. The kids knew about these plans so it’s a good chance she knew too.

But she does it all

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Despite how it may appear on here for the most part I don’t let BM impact my daily life. I dump everything here then move on.

However, something happened this past weekend that is still pissing me off. There was an issue with one of the kids and instead of talking about it BM pulled out the “I do all the parenting” card.

Is it worth it?

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I’ve written before about how the kids live about an hour away. SO doesn’t really call that much because it just doesn’t go that well. The little one is really too young to care about the phone and the oldest seems uncomfortable. This goes both ways. If BM calls our place the kids act the same so I’m not trying to blame her.

No Easter

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I was absolutely fuming last night.

This weekend was BM’s weekend with the kids as well as her year for Easter. I can respect that fully. She has every right to refuse SO any extra time but what she did was in my mind so completely low and the worst thing is it really was the kids who paid the price.

Hoping all is well.

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I wrote a few weeks back about my partner having a PTSD attack at work. Last night he texted me letting me know a trusted coworker gave him the heads up that the place is trying to fire him.

We live in a state where you can be fired at will so I'm pretty worried. The only thing helping us is they really don't have a reason. SO didn't come close to hurting anyone or really doing anything wrong. He also has phone recordings moving that his absence was supposed to be excused and that's supposedly how they are trying to get him.
