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Dogmom1321's Blog

Bully All Along

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SD12 is wrapping up 6th grade. She has always had a hard time socially. This year she found a group of "friends" and has been so excited about it. DH has been happy to see SD interacting with her peers instead of hiding in her room. 

Party Crasher

Dogmom1321's picture

Our DS is turning one next weekend! DH and I are having family in town and some neighbors over. We got some party supplies already and some snacks/food. It's all organized downstairs in the basement. 

SD12 have a friend over yesterday after school. DH said it was fine for her to come over. Found out this morning that they opened and used a whole bag of balloons that were meant for the party. Ugh, seriously? 

Two Total Morons

Dogmom1321's picture

I feel bad for SD11 in this situation. BOTH of her parents are total morons. 

Backstory, I'm totally disengaged. I watch DH make some pretty dumb decisions, but as a SM I've realized it's not my place to parent. DH needs to be the one held responsible. 

No More School!

Dogmom1321's picture

When I first met DH, all of the school responsibilites were pawned off on me. From homework, to teacher conferences, newsletter emails, transportation, school supplies etc. This was before I knew about StepTalk, and honestly, I didn't know any better. Well I successfully disengaged during remote learning from COVID last year. With school starting last week, I was anxious to see how the start of this school year would go...

On top of disengaging, we also had our son in April. So I think DH finally sees that I'm busy enough with a 4 month old.  

Being Used

Dogmom1321's picture

I am sick and tired of DH and myself being used by SD11. He gives her WAY too much power. 

SD11 was "grounded" at BMs last week and had her cell phone taken away. SD calls from BMs phone begging DH to pick her up because she "misses him." He falls for it and drops what he is doing to go pick up at BMs house. DH immediately gives her phone back and as soon as SD gets to our house, she disappears into her room. Not spending time with DH that she "misses so much".

11 y/o acting like a Baby

Dogmom1321's picture

SD11 came to our house with a nasty cold. Congested, coughing, etc. She has sounded this way for 3 days without getting better. DH told her to come get some medecine downstairs in the kitchen. A cough and cold syrup. 

SD: Nevermind, I'm find *starts to walk away and go back upstairs*

DH: No, it's not a choice if you want medicine or not. You're not going to walk around making everyone else sick too. 

**FOR THRITY MINUTES** I overhear DH coaching SD "through it". Hold your nose, grab some water, etc. 

Thoughts on Chores

Dogmom1321's picture

I have always believed in age appropriate chores. If a child is capable of it, then it's something they should be doing regularly. Anything from a 5 year old putting toys away, to a pre-teen hanging up clothes in their closet. When I was a child, I was never paid for chores or got an allowance. I did them to help out my parents and because they said so. 
